Stupidly in Love

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[Day 8: Confession]

"What do you think love is, Teo?"

You and I have been friends for a while, MC. We know each other almost as if we were the same person. However, there is one thing that you don't know, and that is that.. I'm in love with you.

"Where's that coming from? Haha"

"It's just that... we've been friends for years and neither of us have spoken about love.. so spill, I wanna here your views."

I'm afraid to show you my true feelings. What if I ruin our relationship? What if we break up? I can't afford to lose you, MC. I need you in my life.

"I don't know, maybe it's.."

The way you care for me, making sure I have eaten. Or how you tease me, pulling little pranks that make you so cute. The look in your eyes when you see me. That's what love is. To me love is you..

"..Maybe it's.. uhh..haha I don't know."

"Then, have you ever been in love before?"

"Mmm...well..? Whenever I find myself liking someone, I start acting stupid around them, like every piece of common sense is suddenly gone the second the step into my life."

"Haha, what do you mean? Isn't that how it always is? Whenever I'm around, yo-"

"yeahhh, don't think too much about it."

I can't tell you how I feel. Not right now. It wouldn't be right.

"Then tell me about them. Who's that person that made you realize you're dumb when in love hahaha"

It's you, you made me stupidly in love.

"They're.. someone I'm close to... I really like how.. hmmm.."

"Is it someone I know?"

I can't tell you. I can't. I want to tell you, but I can't. I want to scream out that it's you I love but I can't. It'll ruin everything.

"MC, how about we change the subject?"

"Oh come on~.. fine... can I tell you who I like?"

You-? No.. no... no.. please no. It'll break me.

"I guess."

"Well~, he's tall and handsome. He's basically a pet, but that's why I love him."

You.. love him...? Keep it together, Teo.. don't do anything that would make them concerned.

"Is he good to you?"

"Oh very good! He plays along with my jokes and even pretends to fall for my pranks when it's obvious he saw it coming. He's so considerate of me that I just wanna hug him so tightly he can't breathe. Hahaha~"

You play those jokes on someone else, not just me? MC.. you're just stomping on my heart now.

"He seems like a great guy..."

"He really is. He's so caring too. He makes sure i drink enough water and eat well. Every morning and night he makes sure to text me and tell me about his day."

"You too seem really close.."

How could they have someone else who's as close as we are? Who is this guy? It doesn't matter anymore, they're not even mine to begin with. I have no place to be jealous.

"Sometimes he has trouble breathing, so I help him out and tell him to take deep breaths, then he takes it too deeply and starts choking haha"

"It sounds like you really care for him.."

"I do~ if he knew how I felt I would kiss him right now."

Kiss... am I gonna compete with that? I want to tell you how I feel, but I can't.. it sounds like you're already taken. I was so worried about our relationship that I didn't even consider others. I should just jump off a cliff..

"You must really like him.. haha.."

"*sigh* Teo, how much more are you going to make me describe you?"


"I can't make it anymore clearer. We're together all the time. If he was another guy, you would've for sure saw him by now."

You like.. me? Me? You would choose me? No, this can't be real. You're just playing one of those pranks.

"Oh MC~ don't play with me. You know it's not nice to fool with people's hearts."

"God, you really are stupid when in love."

Suddenly, you grab me by the collar of my shirt and kissed me. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought I was in heaven. For a second I thought I actually threw myself off that cliff, but no, I was here, with you in my arms.

"Do you get it now, Teo?"

"No, no, you're gonna have to do that again."

"Haha~ as many times as it takes."

Day 9: "Teo, please, have mercy."

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