He's drunk.. again

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[Day 3: Drunk Visitor]

"It's 2 in the morning! Who is tha- oh, it's you again.."

For the past 5 days, Teo has either been drunk or hungover. I don't know why he's been coming to me every night. Its not like our relationship is close enough for this either.

"Whatsss up~~"

"Didn't I tell you to sto-"

"Shhhhhh, it's late~ you'll wake up the neighbors~"

"Like that's any of your concern. *sigh* come in.. I guess you'll be staying here again?"

I could just tell you 'no.' I think that every time I see you on my doorstep, yet here you are, stumbling to my couch like every other night. I don't know what it is Teo, but..

"I don't want a pillow; I want your lap. It's so soft~ and warm~ and-"

"No, go to bed like a good boy."

"But I have been a good boy~ I didn't throw up on your floor this time."

..there's something about you. The way you stare at me with your puppy eyes. How you come straight to me for care and comfort. How..

"Fine... but you better promise that you won't be drunk anymore this week."

"We only have a deal if you make me a breakfast hotdog."

..you look so peaceful after I had guided you out of your drunken state. I can't help but run my hands through your hair. Your thick, velvet, dark hair. As annoyed as I am being woken up every night, I find peace knowing that you're with me and not anyone else.


It's weird that i have developed such care for you. A man who I was coworkers with for a week, who only took me home that one time when I fell ill at work.

"You're so cute~"


"You know you're adorable, right? You act like your annoyed, but your face says it all. You looked so pleased while petting me."

"That's just your imagination. You're probably still drunk, let me get you more wat-"


As you grabbed my hand, pulling me back towards you, my heart stopped. This electric feeling of..

"MC, I-... thank you.. thank you for your attention every night... I usually don't like to have people worry about me, but with you.. it's different. It always feels like I'm bothering others with my issues, but.. with you I feel comfortable."


"You genuinely care for me. I always try to put up a strong face with others, but I feel safe around you. Safe enough to show my weakness to."

..love running through the two of us as your hand rests on my cheek. As the moonlight shines through the window, lighting up the room. The time around us has completely stopped, and I never want it to resume. The only thing that could possibly make this better would be..

"I love you, MC."

"Teo.. I-"

"You don't have to say anything now.. I know this was kinda out of nowhere. I just wanted you to know how much you meant to me and-"


..with a kiss on your lips. Even if it lasted a couple seconds, that memory would last forever. How gentle, yet loving your lips felt. I never want to get rid of that feeling.


"I guess you'll be at my doorstep more often then."

"Would every night be okay?"


"Mm- MC, I think I'm drunk again."


"Drunk on your love~"

For the past 5 days, Teo has been coming to me every night, and I never want him to leave.

Day 4: "Straight out of a romcom."

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