“My dad asked me to kill you and keep your dead body in the freezer. By then, Grandmistress will extract your soul to feed the worms. Two years later, when dad is revived, he’ll slice your body into pieces as you watch and use different ways to cook you every day. When your body is all eaten, he will chop off your head and make it into a spittoon and get Grandmistress to put your consciousness into the spittoon…”

“It seems like killing that pervert didn’t teach him a lesson. Next time when I see him, I’ll wipe away his soul and consciousness so that he won’t be able to live ever again.” Lin Huang was furious.

“And that Grandmistress? I shall chop off her head one day,” Lin Huang added.

“Too bad you won’t be able to survive until that day,” Lily mocked and attacked again.

Three giant shadows dashed towards Lin Huang by sliding on the ground.

“It’s redundant to play shadows with me!” Lin Huang shouted, “Come out, Witch!”

A human-form monster with a horn on its head appeared in front of Lin Huang. The monster was a female with a pliant body. It was one of the fiend Monster Cards that Lin Huang had obtained the last time.

“Monster Card


“Rarity: Epic


“Monster Name: Witch


“Type of Monster: Fiend (Beginner)


“Combat Level: Blue Flame-level


“Skill 1: Magic of Gu


“Skill 2: Poison Magic


“Skill 3: Witchcraft


“Summon Authority: Activated


“Card Remarks: Trainable”

Lin Huang had seen the skills description before. The Witch had the most secular skills. She only had three skills that were of different abilities. For Magic of Gu, she had mastered tens of worms with different functions. Some could control human minds from parasites, some could store venom, while some were cannibal worms that could devour an adult’s flesh to his skeleton within seconds…

Meanwhile, Witchcraft included some soul-type attack, defense, and psychic abilities. It included some peculiar abilities such as shadow control, plant control and even summoning monsters from another dimension.

As Lin Huang had seen the Witch controlling shadows before, he decided to get her to fight Lily. Seeing the three shadows that were coming, the Witch stomped hard, and a giant fiend-form shadow grew under the moonlight.

Chapter 402: Zhang Mengmeng’s Identity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The fiend shadow that the Witch created appeared within seconds. The three shadows that Lily was controlling sensed something was wrong, so they attempted to go around it to get to Lin Huang. However, the fiend shadow entered Lin Huang’s own shadow at the speed of light before the three shadows could even move. He was speechless as he watched his shadow became a gigantic fiend shadow. As the shadows were fighting, he had no idea how he could help. He did not have any idea what would happen to him if he touched Lily’s shadow.

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