Aftermath ♡̴̧̨̜͕̰̺̰̳̻̖̙̤̜̜͋́̽̅̋͑͌̀́̿̏͗̿̍̋́̿͋͝

Beginne am Anfang

Not being able to visit that god forsaken mansion anymore.

If I do that, obviously I would get those awful words in my head about The False Shepherd deceiving humanity and creating Alternates.

And plus, meeting Him and his friends/alternates (or subjects as I remembered what he called them months ago) would just make things worse.

With a warm comforting blanket surrounding my whole body, I sat in my backyard, looking at the stars. Like I said, it's my hobby of looking at the night sky. Alongside that, there was a huge full white moon as well and it sorta became a cherry on top for the night sky.

I tried my very darn best not to think about..Him and the others. All I wanted to focus on was my friends, family, and the stars. I just needed to focus on those three things instead of..THAT!

Woah sorry...Didn't mean to lash out.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

...Trying to get ready for a new day..

~next morning~

Morning came, and my lord I had such a painful headache to begin with. Waking up outside, there were dark and heavy clouds, making it all ambient and depressed. 'Looks like it's about to rain today.', I thought in my head as I got up and stretched.

After taking breakfast and medicine, I decided to take a walk again to clear my whole mind. I did not care about the rain, I just wanted to get my whole mind cleaned away by nature.

Putting on a jacket, I went outside and walked.

It had finally started to rain.

But do I care?


I didn't care about me getting a fever or a cold because of it.

After a while, I decided to take a break and sat down on one of the benches. I let the drops of rain pour out on my whole body. I looked down to the ground, thinking about what I should do right now.

Suddenly I felt no drops coming down on my head and body. That was strange..

I looked up and saw a red umbrella over me. I then turned my head around and see-

"Hello?", a familiar blonde haired girl (Ik she is canonically a brunette but bear with me-) said to me holding the umbrella over my head from behind.

Wait a min..

Why does she look familiar?

"Um..Hi?", I hesitantly said. She came over to me and held out the umbrella. "Here. Take it. I don't want you to get sick in the rain.", she told me. But I just pushed the umbrella away.

"Please leave.", I asked her with no sweet emotion in my voice.

However she didn't leave. She just stood there, still holding the umbrella over me. She sighed. I looked at her and the umbrella. Eventually, I took it from her and held it, slowly agreeing to her that I would have a cold from the rain.

Mandela Catalogue: Mirth ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt