Chapter 37: Far from Over

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, damn...I was hoping I wouldn't have to actually prevent her from leaving," complained Agil at his terrible luck.  "A grown man trying to stop a girl from leaving her own home isn't going to be a great look but the last thing I want to do is let her get away if she really is the one responsible for all of the horrible shit that's been happening.  Maybe, I'll just try talking to her and pretend like I happened to be in the neighborhood?  Then, I'll keep her busy until the police show up.  Shit, if only things would actually work out that nice for me."




Doesn't seem like anybody is around...and I don't hear any sirens, internally, concluded Shino, after surveying the front of her small home. 

Once she was sure the coast was clear, she shut the front door to her house, behind her and said a goodbye to it, mentally.  She was going to miss the comfort of sleeping on her normal mattress for a while but she didn't have a choice.  She also, knew that her grandparents were going to be so distressed when they not only learned what Shino had been up to, this whole time, but that she had gone missing as well.  Even Shino's other self felt some resemblance of pity for her grandparents, who had done nothing but try the best they could to take care of and support her, ever since her mother died, including paying the rent for her small home.  Shino figured, at the very least, her grandparents wouldn't have to worry about the monthly expense, anymore, once she was out of their lives.  A part of her...the weaker Shino Asada...wished she could send a text to her grandparents to thank them for all they've done for her and to say a proper farewell to them but Shino's other self...the one that was still in full control of her body...knew how foolish this would be.  In fact, that was the sole reason why she left her cell phone in the house because she knew the police would use it to track her exact location.  Shino, luckily, did have a different phone that she had forced...or rather...persuaded Kyouji to work his magic with so that it couldn't be tracked.  She needed a way to contact his somewhat useful ass, the remaining Laughing Coffin members and, most importantly, Vassago.  She had a strong feeling that he wasn't going to be satisfied with the result of the third round of the Bullet of Bullets, either, and she was prepared to use this to her advantage.  Shino, quickly, made her way down the walkway to her home, trying her best to not look suspicious, despite her appearance which clearly did the opposite. 

"Hey, Shino, funny running into you, here!" called out a booming and familiar voice.

Shino nearly jumped out of her skin as she stood at the end of the walkway to her house. After weighing the pros and cons of just running away from the voice, she decided it would be smarter to just acknowledge the individual, who had spoken to her.  When she turned to face the voice, she saw that it was Agil, a tall, muscular and, honestly, intimidating friend of Kazuto and Asuna's, who ran a bar that the group would often meet at. The very first question that popped into Shino's mind was whether or not Agil knew that she was the real Death Gun or that she was involved in some way?  Judging by the goofy and clueless smile on his face, it didn't seem like Agil knew but Shino was aware this could be a trap.  He could have, easily, been pretending or, worse, trying to buy time until the police arrived.  She had to end the conversation as quickly as possible. 

"Oh, hey, Agil," returned Shino, trying her best to sound friendly.  "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just in the area and remembered that Asuna said you lived around here," claimed Agil, harmlessly.  "Kirito told me that you were helping him and Asuna take down Death Gun and POH so I thought I would check to make sure everything was alright at your house...ya know, make sure nobody tried to make an attack on your real body.  Sorry, I wasn't trying to be creepy or anything.  Asuna just mentioned that you lived by yourself so Kazuto and I both thought that made you a prime target for Death Gun to harm in the real world."

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