Before we start

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I just wanna mention a few things before we start this story properly. Expect the first chapter very, very soon.

Sins Past and it's recent retcon are important and a major parts of this story.

I will be basing the way the characters act on the actual comic counterparts and not make them OOC.

This is set in the more recent Spider-Man comics. Not after Superior Spider-Man or any fixed point in comic history. Just recent comics

There will be minor references to other pieces of Spider-Man media.

Ben Reilly isn't Chasm. He is back to being Scarlet Spider. Chasm is a clone of Ben made by the Beyond Corporation as a back-up plan.

Like in the comics, Peter's relationship with the Superhero community is actually pretty good for the most part.

There will be 2 Gwen Stacy's in the story, that being: Earth 65 Gwen Stacy (Spider-Gwen) and Earth 616 Gwen Stacy (main focus of story)

I will add certain things not seen in the comics, like the Sue Storm and Spider-Man stuff that shows up in most 616 Spidey stories.

That's the important stuff for now. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll have the fist chapter out soon. Also, while I have your attention, could you guys check out my other books? It would mean a lot to me.

That's all for now. Enjoy your day everyone. Until next time.

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