Tang Xue: Well, I'll clean it up and come down right away.

He Bin: OK, I want another one, @Jiang Yu

Jiang Yu: I'm with Tang Xue.

He Bin: Bring our brother with @Jiang Yu

Jiang Yu: Got it, dick.

He Bin:???? Who is the second brother? Who is the second brother?

Jiang Yu: It's not that our brother is younger than me, isn't that the second brother?

He Bin couldn't laugh or cry all of a moment. Does that seem to be right?

He Bin's mouth is sharp, eloquent and eloquent, but every time he meets Jiang Yu, he will be blocked by one or two words. The way they get along quietly, one is calm and the other is lively, and the other is meticulous and the other is careless, and there is a tacit understanding in work.

Going to shabu hot pot, Tang Xue carried a plastic bag to the attic and was ready to pick some fresh vegetables and bring them. There are no fresh vegetables in the ingredients prepared by He Bin's family. The only vegetables that can be regarded as potatoes and soaked kelp.

Chicken feathers, tomatoes, leeks and coriander can already be picked at home. Tang Xue found that watering vegetables in the ring river in the ink bead space can not only accelerate growth but also improve the quality of vegetables. In her dream, she did not make high use of the ink ball space, and she couldn't figure out why. She guessed that it was probably related to the beautiful colorful stones at the bottom of the river.

Tang Xue is going to experiment sometime, take out a few colorful stones and put them in the tap water, and then use these tap water to water the vegetables. At that time, we will divide three samples, one with normal tap water, one with sparkled in stones, and the other with space water. Record it every day to see what will be different.

Akito has been lazy these days, with a listless and drowsy appearance. Today, he can't hide in the ink bead space. It turns into a large tree wrapped in the center of the ink beads, and the leaves on the vines are windless and automatic, as if breathing.

Perception from consciousness, Akato went to the mark of promotion.

After this promotion, Akato's ability will be improved again. Will it bear a two-year-old red fruit? I'm really looking forward to it.

Tang Xue picked up a handful of chicken feathers and pinched another handful of coriander. She remembered that He Bin said that she liked coriander. There were also a lot of red fruits hanging on the shelf of tomatoes. She picked seven or eight and put them in another bag. There are also vacuum-packaged bamboo shoot tips at home. She brought a large bag and another bag of wide flour. Finally, after thinking about it, I stuffed five more apples in the bag.

Apples are benefits distributed in Tang Ma's Hospital. A whole box was sent, and many dry goods were also sent, such as fungus, shiitake mushrooms, walnuts and so on. Apples are kept for a long time, look fresh, bright red and not dry, and taste crisp and slightly sweet.

With what was prepared, Tang Xue went to the opposite side and knocked on the door.

"Sister Tang Xue, come in first. My brother took a shower and will come out soon."

Jiang Chen opened the door. He had never been at school and stayed at home. Obviously, he felt a round face.

"Well, the tomatoes at home are ripe. Pick some for you." She handed Jiang Chen a bag containing tomatoes.

Tomatoes can be used as both vegetables and fruits. They taste sour and sweet, which is suitable for people of all ages. However, there is a plantation room in her family. Except for her family, only Jiang Yu and Jiang Chen know, so she did not plan to take it to He Bin's house.

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