Day One

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"C'mon, let's go!" I said as we neared the entrance to the great hall. "I'm starved!" We rushed into the great hall and sat down with Harry and Ron. Ron pointed at the professors' table.

"See him right there?" He pointed at a light-brown haired man. "He's our new DADA teacher."

"I feel like I've seen him before." I said curiously.

Harry perked up. "Oh yeah! He was the one who fought the dementor away!" Harry then kept talking to Ron.

Ginny and Hermione gave me a small nudge under the table. "What?" I muttered. They cocked their heads back towards the Hufflepuff table. I turned and locked eyes with someone, but they turned away as soon as I looked over. "Who was that?" I asked.

They giggled. "Cedric." I turned around once more, and yep, there was Cedric, sitting at the Hufflepuff table with his friends. I raised an eyebrow and faced my best friends.

I tried to change the subject by saying "Hermione, what's your schedule?" She perked up.

"Oh, yeah! I have lots of classes! Divination, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and so on!"

"Hermione," Ginny questioned, "how are you going to fit all of those classes into your schedule?"

Hermione winked and said, "Tell you later."

The five of us walked across the courtyard on our way to Transfiguration when Hermione pulled me and Ginny aside. "Professor McGonagall is helping me with getting to all of my classes." She whispered as she pulled a necklace-looking-thing out of her cloak. "It's a time turner. I can go back in time and go to different classes." We all stared at the necklace in awe, until the boys started getting suspicious. They called us over, and we reluctantly followed.

We had Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures (except Hermione, who had way more) that day. All the classes were fairly normal, up until Care of Magical Creatures.

Cedric Diggory x Sophie Potter {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now