Chapter 4- which am I?

Start from the beginning

Winters pov
I changed back to normal clothes and watched. I waited until I was sure they deactivated the bombs then I started to leave but I stopped. I watched them save everyone. I don't know how this happened to me. But I felt relief seeing all those people pulled out alive. All their families ran to them being loaded onto ambulances. Then I checked my watch. It was 7:00. Henry's going to be wondering where I am! I ran down the streets until I found his house. I went up and knocked. A woman who I'm guessing was his mom answered. "Um hi I'm winter. Im looking for Henry hart. Is he here?" I asked. "I'm siren hart. And no he's not here. He went bowling. Why?" She asked. "Oh we were supposed to do a project together." She nodded. "Well you are welcome to wait here until he gets back." I thanked her and came in. Very strange house. I sat on the couch and looked around. So this is what a house looks like? There were family pictures all over the house. I've never had a family photo. Maybe it's because I never had a family to take the photo with. I waited for while. Mrs. Hart made me a snack. She was really nice. After half an hour I decided to start on the project myself. No wonder it was a partner project. There was a million different things to keep track of and keep from blowing up or overflowing. I worked and worked. But no sign of Henry. I can't believe he stood me up! He left me to do all the work! It took a long time but I finished the experiment. I checked my watch. 11:00. I'd been working for three hours and I was exhausted. I sat on the couch to rest for a minute. I found my eyes getting heavier by the second and I fell asleep.

Henry's pov
We worked for hours trying to clean up the huge mess. Around eleven o'clock captain man stopped me. "Why don't you knock off." He said. "Are you sure?" "Yeah it's late and you have school. Get outta here." I left and changed back into my clothes. I ran back home and opened the door. I saw winter asleep on my couch with a bunch of bottles and test tubes around her. Then I remembered that we were supposed to do the project together. And I said I was going blowing. Now she's going to think I blew her off! I went over. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I gently shook her arm. She jumped up almost knocking over some bottles. "Huh?! Oh. Sorry Henry." She started to pack up. "No I should be the one apologizing. I completely forgot that we were supposed to study. I swear I didn't blow you off on purpose." She nodded. "It's okay. We all forget things. The projects done by the way. I put your name on it too." She said finishing packing up. "Thanks. Let me make it up to you. Are you free tomorrow night?" It was Thursday so tomorrow was Friday. "Depends. What are we doing?" She asked with a grin. "How about we grab some dinner at that old fashioned diner?" I said and she smiled. "Sounds great. I'll meet you there. When?" "7:00? For real this time." "Sure. See you around." Then she picked up her stuff and left. Wait. Is this a date? Do I want it to be a date? Maybe I do.

Wintersmyth's pov
I left the house and headed back to the lair. I got down there and fireball was already asleep. Perfect. That means I can sneak out in an hour. And I get to go out tomorrow like a normal person! But is it a date? Do I want it to be a date? Maybe I do. A while later I snuck out again and headed to Swellview park. I hid behind a bush for a while. Then I heard someone coming. I peeked out. Kid danger looked around. "Hello? Wintersmyth? Are you here?" I slowly stepped out from the bush and into the street lamp light. "I'm over here." I whispered and he saw me and came over. "So let me guess. You called the cops on me?" I asked looking around. "I'm not going to lie. I told captain man where I was going. But I also convinced him to let me come alone." That part puzzled me. "Why would you do that? I thought you wanted me in jail." "Well I did. But now I don't know." "In all fairness I wanted to kill you in the beginning too. But now I don't know." "What changed?" He asked his eyes sparkling. "I don't know. I guess I never expected the world to be full of so much life. Now I don't want to kill anyone. And it's really annoying!" He smiled and almost laughed. "Why did you warn me about the bombs?" "I already told you why." "No no it's more than just personal reasons. You were thinking about others." "No I wasn't!" "Your clearly lying." "Shut up!" I playfully punched him in the arm. "So you have powers?" He asked. "Yeah. I have ice powers. And yes. I melted you at the bank. I don't know why I felt bad but I did." We sat on a bench. "That just means your a lot more normal then you care to admit." That secretly made me happy. I was normal. "I just don't want to hurt people. It's not who I am." "Then don't." "It's not that simple." "Yes it is." "Trust me it's not! I don't want to be evil anymore. But part of me will always be." I said tearing up. "We all have a dark side of us. A side the does bad things and we wish that we could get rid of. That's what normal is. But anyone can be good." He smiled at me. "Why are you being nice to me? I'm supposed to be the enemy." I asked. "Maybe your not the one i should be enemies with." He leaned in. Our lips pressed together. Soon we parted and everything was silent for a minute. "Who are you?" He whispered. "I can tell you my identity as much as you can tell me yours." I said smiling. "Do I know you? You seem familiar." "Maybe you do. Anyways. It's been fun but I have to go." I stood up. "Wait! Can I see you again?" I walked over to a tree. "What are you doing?" He asked. I put my hand against the tree. Soon it was encased in glass-like ice. It was beautiful. "Meet me at this tree same time tomorrow night." He stood up and took my hand. "I promise. It's strange. There's just something about you." He said. "What?" "Your not like anyone else I've ever met. Your a mystery to me." I smiled and kissed him. "Trust me. Your a mystery too." "Great. So I'll see you tomorrow. For real." "See you around kid danger." I created a path of ice and slid back into the night on it. When I was out of sight I started walking home. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. For real? Where have I heard that before? I couldn't put my finger on it. It's so weird. It seems like winter smith likes Henry hart, but Wintersmyth likes kid danger. It's like I'm two completely different people. But the question is, which one am I really?

Henry's pov
See you around? Where have I heard that? I can't put my finger on it. How did this happen? How have I managed to fall for the girl who was supposed to be the villain? But maybe she's not. It's so weird. It seems like Henry hart likes winter smith, but kid danger likes Wintersmyth. It's like I'm two completely different people. But the question is, who is wintersmyth really?

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