“Congratulations, you have obtained an Epic Monster Card – Nephilic Judge!”

“You are currently in a unique mode; the transformation will be lifted automatically.”

Before Lin Huang got to look at his new card, white Life Power came out of the Nephilic Judge’s body into Lin Huang’s body. The Life Wheel in his body changed rapidly, the color was changing from a silver color to a majestic gold color. Rings were added to the nine Life Wheels that he had in his body. 10 circles, 11 circles… It finally stopped when 12 columns of circles were formed and the silver Life Power had become golden.

As the changes took place with his Life Wheels, Lin Huang could feel that his ability was also upgrading. As more Life Light was inserted, a golden seed fell from the Nephilic Judge’s body and into Lin Huang’s Life Wheel.

“New Life Seed detected. Would you like to transform the Life Seed into a card?”

“Yes!” Lin Huang replied without hesitation.

A few minutes later, the Life Light had stopped transferring into Lin Huang’s body and the changes were finally stabilizing. He could feel he was more powerful now with the silver Life Power now completely golden. The 12 circles of Life Wheels in his body were shining with columns of gold. They were a symbol that he had achieved gold-level. As he snapped out of it, Lin Huang looked at the new epic Monster Card that he had just obtained.

“Monster Card”

“Rarity: Epic”

“Monster Name: Nephilic Judge”

“Type of Monster: Half-angel”

“Combat Level: Gold-Level Rank-3 (Complete)”

“Skill 1: Spearheart 

“Skill 2: Seraphic Speed”

“Skill 3: Seraphic Wings”

“Skill 4: Judgement Spear”

“Skill 5: Lightning Control (Advance)”

“Skill 6: Elemental Transformation (Lightning)”

“Summon Authority: Activated”

“Remarks: Monster skills have yet to be fully discovered, two more skills are on the way”

“Card Remarks: Trainable”

“Spearheart: Enhance the understanding of spears; allowing one to achieve Spear Dao from within.”

“Seraphic Speed: Once activated the movement and attack speeds will have an explosive increase and the neural responses will be immensely increased.”

“Remarks: The skill is the result of a double upgrade of Rapid Speed.”

“Seraphic Wings: The passive six wings can be used for flying and as a weapon as well as a defensive shield.”

“Remarks: The wings can change modes up to a certain level.”

“Judgement Spear: An epic-level spear skill, a complete set of spear skills in fighting and defense.”

“Remarks: Two spear combat forms will be obtained in the next upgrade.”

“Lightning Control (Advance): Can use this skill to control the elemental force of lightning.”

“Elemental Transformation (Lightning): Can be used to transform the body into lightning.”

“Remark 1: After the transformation, the body will be immune to basic physical attacks.”

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