Time to hit Okinawa! Summer fun!

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Ryouta was lying on his bed, sweltering in the heat of Summer while the Omikoshi Phoenix was flying around, then perched on the end of his bed.

Ryouta: Man........ why'd the air conditioner have to break on a day like this...?

Ryouta got off and went to the freezer, seeing nothing that could help in the heat.

Ryouta: Dangit! Should I go to the Candy Lady or something to get ice cream? No, it's too far away........

Ryouta just sighed and turned on the TV.

Ryouta: Might as well see what's on right now.......

TV Anchor: We're here at the beach of the tropical Okinawa!

The Donbrothers leader shot up.

TV Anchor: And with the union of Earth and an entire Anime Universe, everyone's enjoying the ocean with these Animeverse Heroes!

The boy's eyes were wide with a smile that was just as wide as he took out a Comm Gear, which was shaped like an Avataro Gear. He tapped on Hodaka's name.

Hodaka: -Hello?-

Ryouta: Hey! Wanna hit the beach in Okinawa?

Hodaka's face brightened.

Hodaka: -Really?! Of course! But I can't invite my friends though, they're all doing their own things.......-

Ryouta: Huh? You too? Yeah, same here.

Both of them paused for a few seconds. Then, a lightbulb went over Hodaka's head.

Hodaka: -Why don't I bring my girls?-

Ryouta smiled at the thought.

Ryouta: Awesome! I'll bring my own! If they say yes, of course.

Meanwhile in Kikaitopia, Hodaka had contacted his lovers about the trip to Okinawa, starting with Akko and Diana.

Hodaka: Hey you two!

Akko: -HODAKAAAAA!!! I miss you! When are you coming back?!-

Diana: -Akko, you're being loud. How have you been, darling?-

Hodaka: I've been well, thanks. I just called you two up to ask you if you wanted to come to Okinawa with me?

Akko gasped loudly with stars in her eyes.

Akko: -OKINAWA?!?!-

Diana looked agitated from Akko's yelling. However, she also looked confused.

Diana: -Okinawa?-

Hodaka: Oh, right! You're from Great Britain! Um, okay. So it's a tropical area of Japan that's got an ocean as blue as the sky! There's also lots of Coral Reefs there!

Diana smiled at the thought, but frowned again.

Diana: -Oh, I'd love to go, but.......-

Hodaka: But?

Diana: -I'm afraid I do not own a swimsuit.........-

Hodaka blushed at the thought. Then Akko sighed in defeat.

Akko: -I don't have one either.........-

Hodaka looked up in thought. He realized some of his girlfriends may not have swimsuits, considering where they are from.

Hodaka: Gotcha........ Before we go, how about I take you girls swimsuit shopping? I gotta check in with Ryouta though.

Akko: -Okay! I hope you choose a cute one for me!-

Animeverse Heroes Fun time!Where stories live. Discover now