Chapter 2

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The group wandered their way over to the plaza. Already, there were an immense crowd of miis, all shapes and sizes, cheering and yelling at the big screen set up.

Marika checked the time on her phone. 6:43pm. Still a while to go. She decided to focus on the shouts of the crowd.




"Um... where is the bathroom?"

The time was slowly creeping towards the start. The excitement in the air was at an all-time level. Peach couldn't help but feel excited too- she was hoping that the Mushroom Kingdom would win something.

Soon enough, the event had started. The host, a Toad with a poofy dress, flashed a big white smile at the screen.

"Hello! Welcome to the Annual Nintendo Awards! I'm your host, Pri.T! Without further ado, let's begin! Now, our first catagory is..."

Time went by, with loads of interesting nominations. Darkland interestingly won an award- for Worst Scenery. To Peach and Mario's delight, the Mushroom Kingdom won an award- for Prettiest Castle.

Then, near the end, came the catagory "Best Island."

"Our nominations are... Wuhu Island!"

Cheers rang around the entire island.  Toadsworth was surprised he didn't go deaf, especially considering he could barely hear in the first place.

"Isle Delfino!"

The cheers instantly subsided. Toadsworth, oblivious to this, began to cheer very loudly. Soon, everyone in the crowd was staring at him.

"What? Isle Delfino is much better than this poxy old place! It has a theme park!"

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID OLD TOAD!" shrieked someone. Then, people began to boo at Toadsworth. It was so loud that nobody could hear the other nominees.

"And the winner for Best Island is... Isle Delfino!"

Everybody gasped. Toadsworth snorted.

"You youngsters and your loyalty to this little island. Hopefully you have changed your mind!" he laughed.

This, unsurprisingly, made the crowd angry.

"We should probably leave. I'm feeling tired anyway." Peach said to the group. Mario, who didn't like the looks they were getting, agreed. Toadsworth sighed.

"Off we go, then." Toadsworth muttered.

The group walked off in silence, feeling uncomfortable at the events that happened earlier. Toadsworth even regretted his words, although because he hated the glares he was given, not because he changed his mind on Wuhu Island.

The group arrived at the Cocoba Hotel, awkwardly walking to the entrance. They went into the elevator, still in silence. The first words spoken since they left was by Peach.

"Here we are..." she said flatly.

She opened the doors to their room and looked inside.

The room was split into 2, with a curtain separating the two sides. There were 4 king-size beds, with enormous TVs on the wall, opposite each one. There was a mini fridge on each side, stocked full of snacks and sodas. There was an enormous balcony, overlooking a large pool and the shimmering ocean.

The trio was astonished. They were not expecting this level of luxury.

"Wow... just wow..."


"Even I think this is nice."

Peach occupied the side away from the door, drawing the curtain between them.

"Good night." she smiled. She then dressed into her PJs and went to sleep.

"I hope nothing goes wrong..." was Peach's last thought before slipping into a deep slumber.

571 words! Sorry it wasn't as long as the last, but I promise the chapters will get longer as the story progresses. Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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Mario and Peach go to Wuhu IslandWhere stories live. Discover now