Somi's Death

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(Young Cho clothes she's wearing)

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(Young Cho clothes she's wearing)

(Young Cho clothes she's wearing)

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(Jae-Hyo outfit)

PS: I just looked up Jae-Hyo and it turns out he's a south Korean model. So I just put Hyungwon from MONSTA X

It was a normal day and Young Cho and Jae-Hyo woke up. They went downstairs getting some food.

When they get surrounded."Hello. Are you Young Cho and Jae-Hyo?"

"Yes, why?" They smirk"Great, come with us please." 

"No, we don't know who you are." Jae says by looking at them and Young Cho does a spell so they won't enter."Okay, they shouldn't be able to  enter."  young Cho calls Kol

-Dad! Where are you! There are some people that want us. Me and Jae are in the kitchen. They're to break through. Please, where are you?-

-Can you hold them off until I get there?-

-I can try. I don't have that much strength because I just woke up-

-All right, just stay there I'm on my way-

-Well, hurry they have a witch.-

-Stay on the phone, okay?-


-Dad, I'm scared-

-It's alright, darling, I'm two minutes away-

As they broke down the spell and begin coming towards us"I guess this is our end, huh?"

"Yep" They clothes their eyes. When the people turn around seeing Kol"It's not best for you to hurt my children. Now get out of here  or I will kill every last one of you"

He got stabbed and he threw the person behind him."I guess we're doing this the hard way aren't we." As they charged at him. And Young Cho and Jae help him"What are you doing?" "Helping you, we all know you can't defeat them by yourself."

Young Cho does a spell to knock them all down when she groans her head."Cho, are you alright?" 

 "I don't think she will be. The spell I did. I link her to a certain person. A girl that you left. In south Korea."

"Somi, why would she do this?"

"What do you expect? She wants her revenge on you. She knows your weaknesses and everything. She just needs Young Cho to die."

As the girl put a knife to Young Cho neck

"Goodbye Young Ch-"

Before she gets to do anything Kol put his hands in her heart. "Ah, you hurting your daughter"

He turns around when Young Cho was coughing up blood."Dad" He couldn't lose her. And the best thing to do was let her go."Wise choice"

"Unlink her."

"And I should believe you, everybody hates you and your family. With this girl dead your family will be heartbroken"

"Then take me. Take me to Somi."

"Dad, no." Young Cho gets up."No, I'm not losing you."

"I have no choice, Cho." Young Cho looks at her father in tears."I can't lose you"

Kol smiles at his daughter"You will always be in my heart, always and forever" He looks at his Jae"Protect her. For me?" He shakes his head before disapearing.

Kol pov.

I get teleported to a building. "Do you have her?"

"No, Kol decided to be the hero. I got him right here, your majesty"

She turns looking at me with a smirk. "Kol, quite stupid of you to save your so called daughter. You could be at peace without her. It would have gained you power. Like you always wanted." She says touching my face."But first." She took out a knife"Your blood." 

"What are you doing?" "I have a plan for Young Cho. Since she's linked to me I can kill her without getting harmed"

"No!" "Relax, Kol. No one's going to know. It would be a silent death." 

"You know, Kol. You were hotter when you didn't care."  She says kissing my lips and I push her off me"Why are you doing this? For revenge. I stoled your daughter and you want her gone?"

"She always looked up to you. For the second we started arguing she would go to you. It's always you! If you want her alive then I'm sorry.  I'm going to kill her and you can't do anything to stop me."

"What would Tristan or Aurora think about this? Killing your own child just because the guy that you loved and still do stoled your daughter."

"Keep Tristan and Aurora name out of your mouth. If it wasn't for your family. He would still be alive. And I wouldn't be doing this!"

I look at her as she stares at me

"My family didn't kill Tristan. I did. I was jealous that you had more connection with him so I put him in a casket throwing him inside a river. If you want anyone dead it's me. But remember this Somi, Young Cho will never forgive you if you kill me"

She looks at me"She will still hate me for trying to kill her. I will unlink her."

I smile at her before taking her hands in mine."You promise?"

"I promise." She says a spell 

"Kol, can you do something for me?"

"What is it?"

"Kill me. I can't live in this world."

"No, I'm not doing that."

"Kol, please. For Young Cho own good. The Ancestor will still come after her. They wanted her dead and I didn't do it."

She looks at me in tears in her eyes. I touch her face."I love you, Somi." I give her a very last kiss before snapping her neck.

I vamp back to the Quarter

When Young Cho gives me a hug."Dad!"  I lok at her"A hug is what I need, right now"

"Dad, you sound and look sad what happen?"

"Your mother is dead."

She looks at me in tears even though Somi tried to kill her she still cares for her.


"Hm" "Do you promise not to die  on me?" "I promise. I will protect you and your brother." 

I motioned Jae to come over here and he went inside of the hug.

We break apart.

"So what are we going to tell the rest of our family?"

"They won't care, neither of them will." She sniffles"They are a bunch of ass." I chuckle.Before going to my room that was next to Jae's and Cho's.

I looked up in the sky and couldn't stop thinking about Somi. I loved her with all of my heart.

She was my little witch and  I ended her life.  She didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve to die.

Even though we weren't on talking terms we still loved each other.  I closed my eyes and fell asleep but this dream was different from the rest. 

It looked like Jae and Young Cho were  coughing up blood. Yelling"Help me" And I just sit there not knowing what to do.

My son and Daughter were going to die. And I have to prevent that from happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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