Finding out about her

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Kol and his siblings were in the living room unbothered when Freya came in. Looking directly at Kol"What is it, sister?" He asked"Kol, you have  a daughter" The moment she just said that he remembered Young Cho."Kol?" 

"Yeah, what is it?" He says not to mention his daughter's name. He knew that she hated him for abandoning her. He just doesn't know how she reacts to see him back.

"You know something, spill it out" "Fine, you know that girl Somi. I used to date."

"The girl that you chose over us" He rolls his eyes"We had a daughter. Named Young Cho. When Mikael came he convinced me to get back at Nik for daggering me."

"She insisted for me not to get revenge on Nik and-"

"You  did it anyways."  They say and he looks at them"Where are they now?" Kol asked worried."I don't know. I can't tell."

"This is Somi  doing. She's a powerful witch. If she doesn't want us to find her we have to force her"

"The thing's not coming from's coming from Young Cho." I looked confused at how my daughter was that stronger. Yes she used to do magic with her mom but she never ever was able to do this. 

"Try zobra cansa triva le vestus" I say.  She repeats my words and we see her.  I let out a relief sigh. 

"Is this her?" She grew so much last time I saw her.


"Dadda, look at this" She shows me a spell"That's very impressive, darling. I guess your mother helped you with this?" She smiles at me. "I have to take a picture say cheese" I picked up Young Cho as we both say"Cheese!" I give Young Cho a kiss on the cheek."Dadda,  I made you something." She showed me a picture"Is that me, love?" "Yeah, you're destroying  the bad guys." She says and I chuckle. And Somi gives  me a kiss"I love you, Kol Mikaelson."

"I love you, Somi De Martel" 

"What a lovely family you got here, Kol" I turn around seeing my father"Mikael. If you looking for Niklaus he's isn't here."

"Yeah, I quite know that. I came for you. For revenge. You have been stuck with a dagger inside your heart for decades and the time you got out of that basket you forgive him?"

"What are you trying to say, Mikael?" "I want you to stab him with this."

"The white oak?" He smirks before I get to say anything he vamps away.

As Somi looks at me"Kol, don't. Don't get revenge on your brother." "Why? My father is right, he stuck a dagger in me for decades.  I have grown weak since i started dating you. And having this child get me even weaker" 

"Kol, that's not true. He wants you to say that. He wants you to not care for us." "Maybe he's right. I don't care about you or this pathetic little child." 

"Kol, don't go" I vamped away having the white oak stake in my hand waiting to kill Niklaus.   

"Kol, how's you and Somi?" He says with a smirk in his face"Oh wipe that smirk off your face, Nik. You shoved a dagger in my back. And I came here to kill you once and for all"

He looks at me."How do you have that?" "White oak? Father gave it to me."

"Kol whatever you're planning on doing it's not going to work. What about Som-"

"I DON'T GIVE A BLOODY CRAP ABOUT SOMI!" I yell. I vamped towards him about to stab him with the white oak when I get daggered "It's for your own good." I hear Nik say before everything turns black.

Present day

I look at my siblings who looked at me."What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it" I say. While Davina gives me a hug."Babe, what's wrong?" I looked at her"I don't think it's best for you and me to date. Since the girl that I love is alive and so is my daughter. It's best for us to break up." His siblings looked at him shocked. Since she resurrected him he felled in love with her now that Somi is alive he wants to break their relationship."Kol..."

"Davina, go." He says and she walks away."Kol."

"Can we just get out of this bloody town?" He says annoyed. 

They shaked their heads before going where Somi and Young Cho lives.

Meanwhile Young Cho

I felt a cold feeling. My magic never felt this one before. I tried to brush it off but it kept bothering me. I looked for my mom but forgot she had worked. I went outside seeing pictures flying to the wall making a face. I looked at it dropping my cup. "I recognize that face." I say.  I hear a knock on the door and I walk towards it."Young Cho it's me Ahn Jae-hyo." I ran to the  door happy to see my best friend. I open the door giving him a hug. "Ahn Jae-hyo!" "Young Cho!"

"What are you doing here?" "A good looking guy was looking for you he said he was Ko-"

"Don't say that name. You didn't bring him did you?" "" "Jae!?" As the door opens and I see him. I tried to hide my face but he glanced at me."Sorry." He whispers.

I leave the house when he and some people follow me"Are you seriously going to follow me. father." "Young Cho...."  I stare at him. "That's my name." "Where's your mom? I need to talk to you both."

"And I should tell you, why?" "I know you may not want to tell  me where she is but come on it's been over 32 years. Get over it"

I look at him making him groan"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said I didn't care for you or your mom. I loved you."

"I don't care about you or this pathetic little child. That was the exact words you said to me and my mother." He looks at me with tears in his eyes."Do you want me to beg for my life as you continue to torture me. I'm sorry. I was mad. All that angry build up inside of me and I couldn't help what I was saying, darling." 

I look at him"You abandoned me and now all of a sudden you care.  I thought that I was going to have a father to grow up with. A father that I could call for whenever I needed help. I wanted a father that loved me. But instead I grew up hating you."

"Then let me back in your life, darling. I promise I will be the father that you always wanted" He says looking at me. And I walk towards him."Tell that to mom" I say walking away when a bunch of people come.

"Who the hell are you?" "You Kol's daughter, aren't you. Sorry we have to do this to you" As they stab me with something making me fall. I couldn't do anything. I was stunned. Before my vision went away I saw my father taking out their hearts one by one. Before picking me up.

Kol pov.

I picked up Young Cho taking her back in the house since me and Somi were the owners of the house I could walk in. I  told my siblings to come in"What did she inject her with." "Some kind of poison. There's a cure. My blood and one of a De Martel blood." 

"How in the world are we going to do that"  "Then you shall get my blood." I turned only to see Somi" I smiled at her'What happened?"

"My enemies. They followed us here." "Of course, what else are you going to bring." I looked at her before she cut her wrist before handing me the knife. I cut my wrist and Freya does a spell.

"Dobra de livare." She says repeating it. And  Young Cho wakes"You saved me, why?"

"You are my daughter. I will always be there for you. Now I guess you want me to leave don't you?" She gives me a hug"Please stay, father." I smile at my daughter before holding her face"Okay, only because you asked"

She looks at my siblings"Who are you?"

"I'm Niklaus, your uncle." "Rebekah, aunt" "Freya, your other auntie" "And you. The guy with the suit?" I laughed at her joke"I'm Elijah, it's nice to meet you, Young Cho." 

"Okay, Aunt Bekah, Uncle, Niklaus, Aunt Freya and Uncle Elijah" She says with a smile that I haven't seen for 32 years.

"And I'm sorry for torturing you, father." 

"It's alr-"

"You don't need to be. Kol kinda deserved that  but in the end he still your father and he cares for you" I looked at Rebekah before smiling at her. 

Young Cho| The Daughter of Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now