Soon, Mr. Fu replied his message, “I’ve received your message, I’ll get back to you after I’ve watched the videos.”

It was past 11 in the morning when he was done. Lin Huang then made grilled meat for Lin Xuan before heading out to buy some ingredients for lunch. He cooked in the kitchen while Lin Xin and Lin Xuan enjoyed the meal. Later on, Lin Huang started a conversation with the both of them while he did the dishes.

“How’s your gun training?”

“I hardly lose in the regular arena anymore. I’ve been watching the videos that were recorded by Xiao Xuan and have learned a lot from there. Xiao Xuan is even more powerful now, he’s fighting with some Gold Hunters in the Hunter’s Exclusive zone. Initially, he would’ve been defeated but not anymore. He was given a nickname by some of the other players, The Game Terminator…” Lin Xin complimented Lin Xuan’s skill.

“Really?” Lin Huang raised his eyebrow. He knew Lin Xuan was a fast learner but he did not expect him to be able to fight with gold-level gunmasters when he was only at silver-level. Those gunmasters had powerful gunfighting techniques.

“Xiao Xuan has knowledge of gunfighting techniques as well?” Lin Huang asked.

Lin Xuan nodded.

“How many of them do you know?”

“126 types.” Lin Xuan’s answer left Lin Huang speechless. His learning speed was simply terrifying.

“Brother, I know some too. Xiao Xuan taught me three types and I’ve mastered two of them. Too bad I don’t have any Life Seed to unleash its power…” Lin Xin said.

“You know some too?!” Lin Huang did not expect Lin Xin to have surpassed him in terms of gun skill by now. After hesitating for a while, Lin Huang said to Lin Xuan, “Xiao Xuan, could you teach me some gunfighting techniques in the coming days?”

Lin Xuan stared at him with a puzzled expression. He seemed to be wondering if Lin Huang really did not know of any gunfighting techniques.

Lin Xin’s eyes were wide opened, “Brother, aren’t you skilled with guns?”

“I haven’t got the time to learn gunfighting techniques…” Lin Huang blushed as he spoke the truth.

“I’ll teach you then!” Lin Xin was excited. She treated Lin Huang as her lab rat to experiment with her teaching methods.

“I’ll get Xiao Xuan to teach me instead since you’ve only mastered two techniques.” Lin Huang smiled and shook his head. He did not think that Lin Xin could teach him anything when it came to gunfighting techniques.

Lin Xin went to the living room to watch the news. She then asked, “Brother, since you’ve playing in the arena these couple of days, have you heard of this person called Sword Genius?”

“Yes, I have. What’s the matter?” Lin Huang smiled and asked. He did not have the time to watch the news but news of him achieving a 90-win streak must have spread like wildfire.

“This person is so powerful. He had a 90-win streak…” Lin Xin said as she watched the battle video between Lin Huang and Yu Moli.

Lin Xuan recognized that this person who was called Sword Genius in the mask was Lin Huang.

He said, “Brother…”

Lin Xin was surprised, “Do you mean Sword Genius is our brother?”

Lin Xuan nodded.

Lin Xin looked at Lin Huang in disbelief and asked, “Brother, are you really Sword Genius?”

“What do you think?” Lin Huang did not want to give an answer straight away; he did not want to lie but at the same time, he could not admit the truth.

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