I looked at the number I had scribbled on the back of my hand. "Two-sixteen," I told her, she nodded and I followed her out the classroom. "Good luck, by the way, that locker has problems," she warned and left, leaving me in front of a dark blue locker door that had a massive dent in it.

"Aaron Greer puncher that locker," the boy next to me said, as he closed his, "oh I'm James."

"Maddy, I just moved here."

"Nice, the door might get stuck, also the combination locks are shit so just get your own lock." He explained, then hit the locker door causing it to pop right open, "See pretty shitty."

I grabbed the unnecessary things from my bag and put them in there, I noticed I already had some textbooks on the top shelf despite not even having those classes, I looked at James as he pulled a French book from his locker. "Do you know where Mrs. Addams class is?" I asked. "Yeah I had last year, she's kind of a bitch though, what grade are you?" He replied. "Senior," I answered throwing my bag over my shoulder.


And on that note I found myself in my art class becoming bored for yet another hour. I don't even like art but because I didn't take a stupid elective back home I was forced do it now for credit. While Mrs. Addams went over how to use the sewing machines I took my phone out and looked at the message, I got a text from my mom and three from Renée.

I suddenly felt something jab into my thigh and turned my attention to a brunette. "I wouldn't be on your phone, Addams will confiscated it." She warned me, I shoved my phone back into the safety of hoodie pocket, "I'm Carmen by the way."


"Where are you from?"

"Los Angeles."

"Jesus why'd you decide to move to this dump?"

"Daddy left," I said jokingly, Carmen smirked and took a tube of glitter gloss from her jean pocket. "It's all bad, just some people here suck, like for real, watch out." She said, I knitted my eyebrows together. "What do you mean?" I asked, Carmen opened her mouth but was immediately cut off by Mrs. Addams clearing get throat, we both looked up in embarrassment.

"Miss Jones, would you and miss Gomez like to share your discussion with the class?"

"Uh no," Carmen said, some of the kids giggled, Mrs. Addams huffed, "Pay attention. Now as I was saying..."

Carmen turned back to me completely ignoring the old hag. "What's your next class?"

I took my schedule out, this poor piece of paper has seen better days, and handed it to her, she unfolded it and gave it look, biting her lips as she read it. "Shit," she poked a tall boy in front of her, "Daniel, where's McDonald's class?"

"Daniel" ran a hand through his curls and took the paper from her. "Shit I don't know," he said, Carmen rolled her eyes and turned back to me. "Useless pot head," she mumbled, "just go to the guidance office."

I made a face remembering my encounter with the lady at the desk this morning, she was so not pleased with me or my apparent attitude.

"I don't know about that," I told her.

By the time lunch rolled around I actually wanted to crawl into a hole and die, the food here was some mystery meat and I didn't wanna solve, I decided to sit alone as I'm the new kid and have no friends here.

I took comfort in an empty table, but I was immediately shoved away by some very rude band kids that kept giving me this look that told me I was not welcomed at their table. Fortunately, that James kid from the hallway called me over to his table and I grew some kind of relief, I took a seat by across from him.

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