Me vs. Love... Love wins

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Me vs. Love... Love wins


Lyla's POV

"Lyla? Where are you?" Tristan was starting to annoy me he was cute but he was always with me. And I mean always like when we were outside for some weird reason, he decides to skip his friends and hangout with me. Ok so never mind the annoying part it was pure heaven.

"over here,"

"oh I couldn't find you,"

"well I'm over here and can I ask you a question?"

"you kind of just did!" then he flashed my favorite smile it was half smirk half smile

"you know what I mean, but my question was how come your protective,"

"because.....I kinda like you,"

"you do! but why?"

"because you are beautiful and.... Your kind and... Ummm I don't know I just do,"

"oh thanks!"

"no prob I dot mind telling the truth,"

I was now blushing but I didn't care he liked me!!!!

I wonder if that like will turn to love and if he will ask me out!?


"oh hey Annabelle guess what!"


"Tristan likes me!"


"aren't you happy for me?"

"I guess but did he ask you out?"

"nah not yet"

"oh cause he asked me yesterday how to ask a girl out,"

"what did you tell him?"

"to just do it,"

"oh ok"


Tristan POV

ok today I am going to ask out Lyla I'm really nervous yet excited!

Ohohoh here she is!!



"can I talk to you in privet?"

"um sure?"

"cool follow me"


****somewhere in privet*********

"ok so where do I begin?" I don't realize I'm thinking out loud until

"um the beginning?"

"no need for the sarcasm" I aid harshly but then I saw how that hurt her

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it that mean please don't be hur like that I didn't mean it like that" I Said in a rush I hope she didn't take it the wrong way

"ok but why did u drag me in here?"

"well I have liked you since I saw you in the lunch line with Annabelle and I have been wanting to ask you this well will you be my girlfriend you are the girl of my dreams so please?"

(lyla takes a gasp)

Me vs love... Love winsWhere stories live. Discover now