Me vs love... Love wins

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Me vs. Love............ Love wins part 3

Characters sry I should have put this Up earlier but better late then never rite?


Dirty blonde hair

Red streaks in hair

Round face

Green-blue eyes

Full pink lips

Freckles on nose


Brown hair when down

Black when gelled

Blue eyes

Fullish redish lips


6 pack


Black hair




full pink lips

Looks hot in Braces



Lanky (tall and thin)

Blue eyes

6 pack

Pink thin lips

Lyla's POV

Ok so all I know is his name is Tristian and he is totally hot also he just walked into my classroom! Did he switch groups? Is he here to see me? All these questions were running through my mind. He walked straight to our math teacher. I couldn't hear what they were saying but all I knew was she just pointed to me! But that's probably just because the seat in front of me was empty. Wait that's the only empty desk in the class he's sitting next to me!

Ok Lyla he is sitting in front of you so what

Gosh I hate that voice ahh he's coming ok say something cool like hey so he thinks you don't care

"Aren't you supposed to be in social studies?"

Omg Lyla the first thing you say to a hot guy is aren't you supposed to be in SS?!? You Stupid idiot......


"oh ok"

"yeah so I'm Tristan I haven't learned your name yet...."

He almost seemed embarrassed to ask me what my name was.

"Its Lyla"

"pretty name"


Gosh that sounded annoying but he just seemed amused he was smirking who smirks at that?!

"why do you seem so amused by that?"

"oh crap I didn't mean to......"

Now I was the one smirking

"shut up" he chuckled

"I haven't even said anything yet?!" I said half laughingly

Then he gave me the best smile I have ever seemed he had the whitest and straightest teeth ever!!

"what do you have for a special today?" whoh why did he want to know that from me!?

"ummm P.E"

"me too!"

CRAP! I hate it when the guys I like are in he same gym class as me!

"oh cool"

Me vs love... Love winsWhere stories live. Discover now