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"I won't! I just wanna see it!"

"Hey! Keep it down, in there!"

"People are trying to get some beauty sleep, Trophy!"


"Oh em gee. He like, did not just say that."

"I know right? Ugh, let's ignore him, Salty Salt."

"You guys are really funny, hehe."


"I mean I sort of agree with Test Tube-"


Microphone groans and prepares herself to scream. "HEY!!! WILL EVERYONE KEEP IT DOWN?!! THANK YOU!!" But arguments continue to ensue all night long anyway. Tissues sneezing, Cheesy and Trophy having the loudest voices when arguing, Salt and Pepper somehow being louder than everyone, Test Tube was dead silent along with Bomb. Given the time of the night and how noisy they were, OJ would definitely come upstairs in a few minutes. "Excuse me, what is going on here?!" OJ yells from the hall. Perhaps he was earlier this time.

Test Tube exits her room along with Bomb trailing behind her. "They're all being loud and arguing with each other. Before you ask, me and Bomb have been quiet." "Y-y-y-y-yes! W-we have!" OJ's face softens at that while he stares at the other objects who peek their heads out of their rooms. Paper was behind the orange glass, a drowsy look on his face. Trophy meekly stepped outside of his and Cheesy's room, Cheesy following and peaking from behind Trophy. "So, here's the deal. It's either we tone down the volume up here or you guys don't get to use the pool tomorrow. What'll it be?" OJ said. Everyone looked at each other, surprised the man himself didn't immediately bite their heads off. Everyone knows OJ would completely lose it at the slightest inconvenience, so this type of calm but still angry conversation was something not everyone was used to. Which ended up making everyone silent, assuming OJ was extremely angry to the point expressing it in voice and physically just wasn't enough.

Test Tube clears her throat and starts to speak. "We'll make sure to keep our voices down, OJ. We promise." Bomb nods and everyone hums and agrees. OJ simply sighs, walking back downstairs as Paper gently trots behind him.

"Let's just sleep, everyone." Pepper mutters quietly. Salt looks at her friend and rolls her eyes. "I mean of course we should! OJ was sooooo angry! I could tell. Me and him are practically married." Salt walks back into the room, Pepper just rolling her eyes. Trophy was annoyed, but silent and stomped back inside the room, Cheesy following shortly after him.

The entire floor wasn't noisy as it was earlier. Test Tube and Bomb were probably asleep already, Trophy only yelled once until his and Cheesy's room fell silent, Soap and Microphone were debating that maybe Trophy killed Cheesy, and as the night went on, the silence grew louder. Microphone fell asleep on Soap's bed, both of them playing Uno just before they drifted to sleep.

Microphone's POV

I felt the sun's rays right on my eyes. Quite the glow-up from yesterday's stormy weather, literally. It was a warm feeling on my face but also comforting. I move my head a bit lower so I can open my eyes without being blinded by the early morning light. My mouth feels so dry and so does my throat. Man, I hate sleeping with my mouth open sometimes. My eyes aren't open yet, since I still feel that drowsiness coming to completely bask me in more sleep as soon as I attempt to even peak an eye open. I simply lay there, still tired, trying to keep myself awake with my eyes closed. There was this weight on my chest though, like something that's also trying to pull me down from standing up to get ready in the morning. Which makes trying to stay awake even more difficult. I smell something however. Something you can describe as "pretty" if ever pretty was a smell. It was a smell of roses and a small mix of strawberries. Maybe it was the food downstairs? Don't know. But it was such a nice smell, and it was familiar too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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