ch. 6

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The game lasted a while. It was boring. I went to the bathroom a few times and texted my friends. Unsurprisingly, Aobajohsai ended up winning.

I ran down to the locker room, wanting to see Oikawa. The blond girl was in there when I got there.

I looked at her and walked over to Oikawa.

"Hey, good job out there," I said, hugging him from behind.

"Y/n. Stop." He said and pulled away from me.

"There's a party after we go eat dinner. You should come. It will be fun. It's at my house. Oh, and you're coming to dinner too." He said, kissing me on my forehead.

"I need to text my dad to let him know I won't be home till later." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and left the locker room to call him. I told him what was going on, and all he said was? " If things get bad or crazy call me immediately."

I love how caring he is.

I walked back in, and the blond was talking to him.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"He's my boyfriend!" When I yelled that she took a step back, hands infront of her trying to defend herself.

"Y/n, I'll drive you home. Come on." Oikawa said as he got up and grabbed his stuff.

We walked out to the car in silence and started driving in silence. It was awkward. Then, out of nowhere, I started to cry. I wasn't mad. I think it was more jealousy.

I could tell Oikawa noticed me crying cause he played my favorite song. I was kinda surprised he still cared. He's been acting like he doesn't.

We got to my house to drop my bag off and then went straight to the party. I wasn't ready to be with a lot of people. But I always went for Oikawa.

It was loud and chaotic. But I had to be there.

I found a few friends there. Which was surprising. We hung out in a corner. They drank and smoked a bit. I knew Oikawa would be pissed if I started smoking or drinking.

That's the thing with him. He gets mad when I do stuff, but then he goes and does the thing he's mad at me about. He's unpredictable. It was the only thing I didn't like about him. We got to dinner and i didn't eat a lot. when we first started dating he was sweet and would make sure I was comfortable, but after a few months, he started to ignore what i wanted. He was sweet at times, then other times it seemed like he didn't care about me. Like he hated me. Like he wanted me gone.

"Oikawa." i said hoping he would listen to me.

"What?" He said. he didn't seem to care too much to what I had to say.

"Can we talk. Its important." He looked to his team mates and told them we would be out in my car and we may or may not be back. I feel like he was hinting to everyone we were breaking up soon.

We started to walk outside and he didn't look too happy with me. He looked more annoyed than anything. I got in the driver seat and watched as he got in beside me.

"What y/n?" He said pissed off.

"Do you still like me? Still want me to be your girlfriend?"

His facial expression dropped. "What? Of course i still like you. what would make you think i don't like you?"

I started to cry. "You've stopped saying you love me and you wont make me feel like its ok to do what i want to do." He looked at me and for once he looked sorry. but then he said "You always want something that makes being your boyfriend hard. Lizzy would have be a better girlfriend than you." That struck hard. Who was Lizzy? Was she that blond lady?

My face went from crying to angry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU OIKAWA!" i yelled. he jumped back and got out of the car. "NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN YOU FUCKING BITCH" I pulled the car out of the parking space and drove home. Crying and driving isn't safe. I hated him.

When i got home, I slammed the car door shut and ran up to my room. crying and ignoring my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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