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Sitting quietly I watch as the sun rises over the newly built avengers compound. Since losing my safe place I'd taken refuge in the grounds' gardens. Nothing much had changed in the last 3 months and I was trying to make peace with the disappointment of it all.

Steve and Sharon had been transferred to the compound's medical unit and they'd stayed there ever since. Bruce insisted they were doing okay but how can someone be doing okay when they've been in a coma for 90 days.

"Thought I'd find you here." I hear Tony's voice grow louder as he approaches.

"It's where you always find me. What do you want Tony?" I stay seated on the bench with my focus ahead of me.

"I was coming to give an update-"

"Is either of them awake?"

"N-no but-"

"Then I'm not interested." I roll my eyes in disappointment, more disappointed in myself for even allowing the hope to enter my mind.

"There's been movement... and mumbles."

"What do you mean movement and mumbles?"

"Steve... it's like he's trying to-" Without a second thought I practically jump from the bench, rushing back to the compound, down to the medical unit.


"Steve!" I shout rushing into the unit, barging into his room. I can see Bruce observing the monitor carefully, writing things onto his clipboard.

"What's happening Bruce? Give me good news." He turns and I can see the sadness in his eyes, my heart dropping. He simply shakes his head sighing deeply. "No signs of him waking y/n, just spasms and the mumbling, there isn't any sign of subconsciousness."

"It's okay Bruce, I knew Tony's 'update' was too good to be true." turning slowly trying to hold the tears back. "Y/N... I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Just forget it Tony." He reaches forward grabbing my forearm softly trying to stop me.

"Y/N please..."

"Don't Tony... Just don't." I take his hand, removing it from my arm. "I need to be alone." He gives me a sad smile. "I'll come see you later."

"Okay." I whisper softly, heading out of Steve's room. I stand a moment before walking over to where Sharon is staying. I look through the room's window and see Sam still sitting by her side. His head is rested against the bed and he holds her hand tight. I couldn't bare seeing them both hooked to all the machines, tubes coming out of their mouths. It was haunting to look at, but Sam somehow managed it. I'd often find him like this, since what we did 3 months ago he wanted to be by her side, waiting for her to wake. But me... I wasn't going to stop until Hydra was dead and buried, no matter the cost.


Arriving back from Nick's funeral the first thing I do is go to the medical ward to check on the patients and to no surprise, there was no change. I sit in silence next to Steve hearing the steading beeping from his monitor. Taking Steve's hand in mine, I rest my forehead on them, closing my eyes to blockout the world. "Please Stevie, just wake up." I whisper, sighing deeply in frustration. I was more frustrated at myself for not being able to protect them than what actually happened, I should have known Rumlow would never have kept his word.

At some point I must have fallen asleep, lifting my head, trying to get my bearings, almost forgetting about the current situation we were in. I stand stretching out, leaning down I plant a gentle kiss on Steve's forehead deciding to head back to our room.

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