Though when he knocked on the door, not being able to bare the silence from her any longer (it was now 4pm and he hadn't heard from her - he had grown worried to the point that he drove to her house without even checking if she was home) she seemed okay. She even smiled at him which seems to calm him down.

He shrugged as he explained, "Thought it might be better to talk to person, plus I hate fucking mobile phones." He didn't include the part where he wanted to see her - like always she had been on his mind but it seems to be amplified after last night. Now that she had actually heard the album and everything, all of his feelings, we're out in the open.

She laughed and moved aside so he could come in, "You've got to get with the times we're not in the 70's anymore." She teased as he took off his jacket it and hung it on the hook by the door.

"I'm never going to understand technology." He insisted.

"Do you want anything to drink?" She asked him as they walked to the living room.

"Nah I'm good, thanks." He said as he sat down.

Alex felt like he was completely vulnerable with nothing to hide behind. She knew and there was no going back - every thought and every desire he had, had been broadcasted. She knew how much he wanted her and he was no longer able to deny it.

She nodded before sitting down next to him, her hands resting on the underside of her knees as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say first. They both began to speak at the same time and Alex apologised whilst Olivia laughed.

"You go first." She told him.

"Right, well - erm, I was just gonna say sorry for upsettin' ya." He started trying to carefully select the right words. He turned so his head was facing her and gave her a small apologetic smile, "I fucking 'ate seeing you upset."

Olivia smiled at him and rolled her eyes, "I wasn't upset because of you." She revealed.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows as he asked in confusion, "You weren't?"

She shook her head and then but her lip before explaining, "I was more mad at myself." She felt nervous, not in a fearful or uneasy way but in a 'butterflies in your stomach' way. She couldn't look him in the eyes and she was surprised she wasn't freaking out at the fact that they were sat so close together - their legs almost touching.

Alex looked at her confused so she continued, "I just felt like an idiot. I was sat there with a guy who didn't care about me whilst you wrote a whole album about how much you did. Just seemed like I ended up with the wrong person because I was too scared to care about you and then loose you."

Alex felt his heart rate fasten as she spoke, it seemed like it was all falling in to place and he struggled to believe that he wasn't dreaming. He throat went dry so he swallowed before muttering, "How- how did it go with Liam?"

Olivia shrugged, "We broke up. It's fine though - he was a prick."

Alex laughed before saying, "I thought that you said that he was a nice guy?"

"Yeah well I was feeling guilty at the time, I felt like I was to blame. I got over that pretty quickly. I mean I wasn't perfect but neither was he." She replied.

Alex nodded and it went quiet, though it seemed extremely loud to him because all he could hear was his heartbeat - beating heavily. Olivia was looking at him with a small smile, her green eyes looking into his and he couldn't breath.

He wanted to kiss her but he was nervous - last time they kissed she ran away for a week. So instead he coughed and asked, "So, er, what did ya think? Of the album."

Olivia smiled and then looked up to the ceiling with a perplexed look as she pretend to contemplate it. "Hmm." She bummed before sucking in her bottom and catching it with her teeth before she looked at him and said, "I'd give it four out of five stars."

Alex laughed at her theatrics and then questioned, "Why not five?"

Olivia shrugged, "You can't achieve perfection, it doesn't exist. So four is the best score you can get."

He spoke before he even thought about it as he whispered, "I'd have to disagree, I think that you're living proof that perfection exists."

He enjoyed the way that it caused her cheeks to turn red as she hid her smile by looking down at her hands. He bent his pointer finger and used it to lift chin up and turn her head so that she looking at him.

He leaned down, centimetres away before he whispered, "If I kiss you, you won't run away again will you?"

Olivia felt lightheaded as she felt his breath on her face, she couldn't look away from his brown eyes that were staring into hers with desire - she could see his desperation to kiss her. Holding back only to wait for her answer. His eyes continuously flickering between her eyes and lips not being able to decide which to look at.

"Alexander, I'm yours." She whispered back, now only staring at his lips.

Suddenly, Alex was kissing her. Kissing her for all the time they had missed. It was full of passion and years of pining. His hands on her cheek and waist whilst hers were in his hair.

He put a hand on her back and lowered her so that she was laying down on the sofa, her head resting on one of the cushions as he moved so he was on top of her.

He didn't stop kissing her for a second and he traveled from her mouth the her neck, he only stopped to whisper in her ear, "Say it again."

She struggled to not moan whilst she said it but she replied with a quiet, "I'm yours."

She could feel him smile against her neck and she brought a hand up to his face, guiding his lips back to her mouth. He stopped to look at her before he kissed her again and muttered, "I've dreamt about this so many times."

Olivia laughed and shook her head, "You're such a romantic."

"You give me reason to be." He told her before kissing her softly.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now