Drive Home (Elmer)

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You stood in the movie theater lobby and watched the people pour out of room #4. It was the last show of the night at almost the end of your shift.

You and Elmer had been working together for a few months now and a majority of your shifts at the theater overlapped, so you were not surprised that he was here tonight. It was storming outside and you were ready to go home and relax.

"Hey y/n" He said from beside you. You didn't even notice him approach as you were too busy watching the people. He handed you a broom and you both walked through the theatre doors. You knew what to do and both got quickly to work.
Row by row you swept off the theatre steps, the mess seemingly endless.

"God these people are fucking slobs" Elmer said, picking up yet another half empty soda cup.

"No kidding." You said, emptying your sticky, popcorn-filled dustpan, banging it on the trash bin in a desperate attempt to get the candy off of it's surface.

Once you deemed that row done you checked your watch and realized that your shift had ended 5 minutes ago.

"Oh shit, our shift ended five minutes ago" you said. Elmer looked up from sweeping and then back down at the mess in front of him. He shrugged and swept the dust pile under one of the seats.

"Well then what are we doing in this shithole?"


You sat in your car in the theater parking lot listening to the rain and warming up your hands on the heating vents. Your windows were still a bit foggy but they were good enough for driving. You were just about to shift gears into drive when you heard a 'tap tap tap' on your window. Elmer was standing out it the rain.

You rolled down your window an he leaned into the car, drops of water dripping from his blonde hair into the car.

"Could you give me a ride home?"

"Uh sure, hop in." You say, unlocking the door. Elmer made his way quickly to the passenger seat and slammed the door behind him.

"Thanks" he said, drying his hands on his pants.

"No problem. So where do you want me to drop you off?"

"I live a couple blocks down East, on the corner of 8th." He responded.

"Wow, I'm on 7th, we're basically neighbors." You responded.
"Small world"


Most of the drive was spent in a comfortable silence, but it was broken when you were only a few blocks from Elmer's apartment and he got a phone call.

He answered it, talking quickly with whoever was on the other side, answering mostly with a series of quick yeses. The call was finished in about 2 minutes, after which Elmer slammed his head hard against the dashboard, groaning


"What happened?"

"My building is getting sprayed for fucking cockroaches and nobody decided to tell me." He explains angrily

"You got anywhere to stay?"


"Shit man. You wanna just crash at my place for the night?" You ask.
Elmer's expression softened and for what is possibly the first time ever, you see Elmer genuinely smile.

"Yes, that would be great"

It didn't take long to arrive and for the both of you to speed walk to the building, escaping the still pouring rain. You both walked up the stairs to the second floor where your apartment was.
You turned on the lights as you both entered the apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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Brandon Rogers X Male!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now