Kellys Mom

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****EMMI POV****
It was a rough long week. But it's Friday and Kelly is coming over. "BLONDIE! IM HERE!" Kelly screamed running in my house. She came over like every other day. I went to her house every other day she wasn't at my house.
"Okay guys we have to hit the road in like 20 minutes." "Kelly let's go to my room. And check everything." I said to Kelly, kelly was kinda limping and it looked like she was in pain. "What wrong?" I said helping her. "I think I'm about to start my period and it really hurts. Can you get some pain medication? And some tampons lol." Kelly said. Her mom drinks alcohol, and her dad is divorced. He is really rich. He pays for everything for Kelly, food, camp, wifi, her phone the house she lives in. Except her mom won custody so she lives with her mom not her dad. She told me a this because she bad a bad bruise on her cheek.Kelly was over so much, that my mom felt like Kelly was her daughter, I felt bad for her. They have a good relationship. My mom doesn't know about Kelly's parents "Hey mom Kelly is in a lot of pain. She started her period and she is having really bad cramps. So she wants me to get medication for it and do we have tampons?" I giggled saying tampons. "Emmi, be mature." Mom said getting medicine and tampons then handing them off to me. I ran to Kelly and she opened the door. I let her do her thing. She came out and hugged me "thanks Emmi." We went into my room and looked at our swim suites Kelly snapchatted we took pictures, it was going to be fun. I really couldn't wait. "EVERYONE IN THE CAR!!" Dad screamed across the house. Me and Kelly sat in the back with Avia. Me and Kelly sat next to each other and Avia sat next to me. Gavin, Daxton and Brock sat in the middle section. And of course mom and dad in the front. We were driving and driving me and Kelly were laughing really hard. I had the best car ride I had in a long time. My dad was vlogging and Kelly and I were snapchatting. "Emmi!" Kelly said making me look. She zoomed in on my face. "Hahah!" Kelly laughed. "Omg delete it!" I said. We laughed. "Dad can I see your phone?" I said. Dad said sure and handed me back my phone. I clicked snapchat. And took a bunch of selfies. So many people were snapchatting my dad. It was crazy, "hey let's open some and respond!" I said "totally!" Kelly said. We opened at least 100. I sent videos and pictures. Some videos were just of the rode that say "I love you! -Emmi!" And others were a selfie saying "We love you!!" I felt so good. Then my dads phone started blowing up wit Twitter messages. "Woah! What's going on back there?" Dad said laughing turning the camera back on. "Me and Kelly are oping snapchats and snapchatting people back. Now they are tweeting you! It's crazy!" I said turning off the notifications. I was looking through some of the tweets. They were really mean but some where good. "Emmi is such a spoiled brat! She doesn't deserve they Shaytards." "Dang, just watched the shaytards snapchat story. Emmi is getting FAT!" "Who is that Kelly chick! She is lucky! But Emmi is getting ugly!" "Why does Emmi act stupid.!?" "Emmi bugs me so much! Go to hell!" I couldn't breathe I felt like the car was closing in, it started to turn black and spin. "PULL THE CAR OVER!" I screamed. "What's wrong!?" Mom said looking in the back seat. Dad pulled the car over and I jumped out. We were in the middle of nowhere there were no cars, no gas stations, nothing. I put my hand on my forehead. "Oh god. They hate me." I said pacing, Kelly got out. And hugged me. "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous. Trust me. They just have nothing better to do." Kelly said. "Thanks." I said trying to catch my breathe. "Kelly, may I?" Mom said. "Sure!" Kelly said getting in the car. We had about 2 hours left I was nighttime. "Mom they hate me! I posted pictures of me and Kelly on dads snapchat. And they were tweeting him. RUDE things. It just went to my head. I'm better now." I lied the words hurt. Mom hugged me. She got down on her knees "honey it doesn't matter what they think. They are just jealous." Mom said hugging me. "Thanks mom I love you." I said wiping the tears from my eyes we got back in the car and mom nodded. "Are we all good?" Dad said in a joyful time of voice. I got back in and apologized. "Why are you sorry?" Avia said. "Cause I probably made it this trip worse." I said closing my eyes. "You didn't." Avia said hugging me.
"WAKE UP WE ARE HERE!" Kelly said snapchatting, I bolted up. "Omg you scared me!" I said covering Kelly's phone. I got out and we got our suit cases. It was Friday and the premier was Saturday night, at 6:30. We got in and me and Kelly went straight to mine and Avias room. I went straight to my bed a fell asleep. Kelly slept next to me.

I woke up before anyone else. I went in my suit case and grabbed my blade and razor, so I could shave my legs and cut. I went into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and got in. I cut my thighs, no one could see it because my underwear, swimsuit bottoms, and dress covered it. I started to cry. I cut and I saw the blood go down the drain. The water turned red. It looked good. I put my blade down and started washing my hair and stuff. I shaved my legs so they where fresh. I got out, got dressed. I had "booty shorts" and and crop top that says "Selfie lol" I brushed my hair it was really long. I had put it in bun and got my new glasses that were circle. I got out and mom was awake drinking coffee. "Emmi don't you look nice." She got up and kissed my forehead. It was 8:30 mom told me to go awake everyone so they could get ready for the day. We were going to breakfast. I stole Kelly's phone. Went on to snapchat "WAKE UP!! KELLY AND AVIA!" Avia jolted up and so did Kelly. "Oh my gosh!" Kelly screamed trying to get out of bed. When she got out she fell. "Hahahhahaha I got that!" I put it on her story. Kelly got up and got dressed and so did Avia. I woke up Gavin and Brock. They got dressed. "Guys where going to get breakfast and then go to the beach." Dad said. "Yay! I have never been to the beach!" Kelly said. We all looked at her confused. "Haha what?" I said. "I have never been to a beach." Kelly said. "Oh my." I said. "We're going to walk to IHOP!" Mom said getting the stroller out for Daxton and Brock. It's a two seater. I put my sandals on and Kelly put her white converse on. We all headed out the door. There was a graffiti wall. "Hey Emmi let's take a pic! I want one with all your siblings!" Kelly said. "Okay!" I said pulling mom to take our picture. I held Daxton. It was me and Kelly in the front on our knees and Everyone else was in the back. "Smile!" Mom said. She look beautiful. "Okay done! Let's go!" We got to IHOP and we sat at a big booth. Me and Kelly were looking at the photo. It was perfect. Then sun was hitting right on it and looked great. Kelly put it on Instagram. "In LA with my second family! I love them so much!" She uploaded the photo and it got 200 hundred likes in the first two seconds. "Omg Kelly your so lucky! We shod hang out!" Someone said. "LUCKY! I MISS YOU KELLY!" Some one said. *ding ding ding ding ding ding* it was Kelly's phone she was getting a call. "May I be excused it's my mom." Kelly said getting up.

****KELLYS POV****
I got a call from my mom so I went and I picked it up. "WHERE ARE SLUT! Oh wait *hiccup* your with the shay-retards or shaytards. Something like that. You didn't *hiccup* do the mother fucking dished before you left. Now get ready when you come home. Your ass is mine. And so help me, if you don't come home. Imma beat the crap out of *hiccup* you." My mom said pissed. She was drunk. Really drunk. I tried to fight back the tears. "Okay." I said "okay, that's all I fucking get? Not I love you? Your a stupid ass bitch. Cant wait till you die." I started to cry. "I don't love you. I hate you. And I'm having fun thanks for asking. I'm your daughter, I should have this fear." I said. "Fear of what?" My mom said. "A fear of you." I hung up and ran to the bathroom. I went in the stall and cried. "Im so scared." I said putting my head in my knees. "Kelly!? What's wrong!?" Emmi came in. I opened the stall and just hugged her. "My mom, I guess I have to tell you now." I said. "My mom abuses me and she was really drunk. And she said she is going to beat my ass when I get home. And that I'm a slut, bitch, stupid." I started bawling.

Kelly got a call and she excused herself. It was about 5 minutes and she looked at us and gave us a fake smile I could tell she was crying her eyes were red. Kelly hung up the phone and she bolted to the bathroom. I looked at shay. I got up and was about to go to her. "Mom wait, let me go." Emmi said getting up and leaving.

****EMMI POV****
Kelly's mom abuses her! Called her all those names!? What kind of mom does that? "Kelly you're not any of those things. Your total opposite of those. Maybe your mom misses you or something." I said hugging her. "She hugged me and I let her cry. "We have to go back and eat. Our food just arrived." I said. I held Kelly. And we walked out. You could tell that Kelly was crying her eyes were swollen and red. Her nose was red from blowing it. We sat down and ate our food. "Thanks mommy and daddy!" Brock screamed. "Thanks mom and dad." Me and Avia and Gavin said. "Thanks so much." Kelly said.
"LETS GO TO THE BEACH!" Dad screamed where everyone in IHOP looked at us. Me and Kelly laughed at him. We went back to our apartment and got changed me and Kelly looked fantastic so did Avia and Gavin. We went to the beach. We all took pictures. And then we went in the water. Kelly didn't she didn't fell like getting wet so she stayed with my mom.

"Mrs Butler?" I said timidly "Yes Kelly?" She said. "Should kids be scared of there parents?" I said holding back the tears. "No... Why are you scared of yours?" Colette said. "Uh- no! I was just wondering." I hope she bought that. "Colette you are really pretty." I said. "Thanks baby girl! Colette said hugging me I flinched because she was an older woman hugging me not hitting me. I felt really good.

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