Ch:2 the boy in the glasses

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Victor Morgan, a young pianist, probably no more than a year or two younger than me. Some websites even went on to call him a prodigy. He even looked really attractive, maybe this job had a few perks. I really should thank his fans, they put up his address along with most of the pictures online. I've been following him around for a few days, and so far I have nothing. There was nothing really suspicious going on. At least not that I know of... He did always go to a house on Sunnyvale Court. I noticed it was the house of one of the other boys in the picture I found. There was another boy just further up the street. Since I couldn't really find a cover for myself near Victors mansion. My car in such a ritzy neighborhood stood out like a sore thumb. I decided to follow the other boy with the glasses, he seemed like he was second in command, the guys always looked to him from what I could tell. He also hung out with the ginger boy up the street a lot. Maybe I'd get a lead with at least one of them.
It was raining, and slightly cold for the begging of August. I looked at The boys house hoping a light would come on or something so I'll have a new lead, so far I've been watching this house for two weeks. A new house that sat half-finished around Sunnyvale has given me the perfect cover. The workers forgot to lock the back door. It's like they were already expecting me. Tonight feels different, I know something is going to happen. After a few hours of sitting infront of an empty lot watching as the boy walked his dog. Through my night vision goggles, I could see him say something to the dog. Suddenly it goes running towards me. Ive been discovered. I think as I'm about to start my car to take off, but something stops me within a millimeter of the keys. The dog pounces on something.... someone. Who is this person? Its a girl. The boy shouts something but I couldn't catch it. Is he going to kill that person? It's always the quiet ones. Wait they seem to be having a conversation, I need to figure out what he's saying. Should I risk sneaking out of the car? As I'm reaching for the door, they make their way across the street and walk into his one story, brick, ranch style house. The safety light flickered on as they pass his garage. Theres a girl that looks about his age and she's scared, but the boy was a mystery hiding his face underneath his hood. Is he kidnapping her? I see the lights to his bedroom go on. How did the nerd get a girl.... was he paying her? Isn't his mom and sister home!? This job was just getting weirder and weirder, but at least I got enough information tonight to know there is definitely something suspicious going on, and I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to find out who killed Sam but first I need to know more about this "academy".
Early the next morning I go back and park in front of the lot. I notice victors gray BMW was in the driveway. I'm wondering if the girl left when I see the three of them leave the house. Perfect timing. Just then the blonde girl runs across the street to what I imagine is her house. After she's inside I hear his his mom scream "she's pretty Kota you should ask her out!" The boy.. Kota blushes so much I can see from my car, and Victor is laughing uncontrollably. They almost seem normal but I know better, I can't let my guard down.

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