Chapter 15: Nero, the Narada and Earth

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As they began arguing over how to get Pike back and stop Hero I sighed Nik smirked shaking his head. Damon smirked leaning back. Derek just shot me a "they have argued long enough and giving me a headache look".
"Enough! I know what to do. Once Chekov gets us close enough Spock, Kirk and I will shadow travel aboard. They can not stop that. Once on board Spock will take the ship with the red matter. Kirk will get Pike and I will deal with Nero, his men and end this."

Nik, Damon and Derek must have seen some look on McCoy's face, because they desperately tried waving him off. It didn't work.
"Like Hell you will sweetheart. You are so not going near that maniac!" He said glaring and crossing his arms.
Nik, Damon and Derek in sync dropped their heads shaking them sighing. Jordan just shock his head Natasha shot an 'Are you fucking serious look?' at him.
"Excuse me, put i don't think I heard correctly. I know you did not just spout off a command at me like I am some way ward toddler?"
"No I said my piece. You are my love. You are a Queen and a Officer. You are not putting yourself at risk."
I then promptly ignored him looking to the others, "Spock, Kirk I suggest you get ready like I am going to." I looked back at McCoy with an arched brow and blank face. "As for you. I suggest you think hard and long about what you just said and tried to do. I have already been in more battles then you would believe. I am not some damsel princess in need of rescue, I am a Queen who demands support from her mates. Not orders. These three behind me will tell you I do not just go into any situation without a plan. So I will speak to you once this is all over."
I then walked away head tall.
Nik looked to McCoy, " She is my life and soul. If I could she would be kept safe in a locked room if I had to, but it is not who she is. She needs us to be there for her, support her, trust her and love her. Primal swore to us long ago they would not let death come to their chosen one. So we put our faith, love and trust in Wynter. We follow her plans. None have failed. The only time things go wrong is when people don't listen to her mate. Just when she gets back be there for her. "

Soon enough we were meeting in the transporter room. Before I could get on the platform I was yanked back into a passionate kiss. As I pulled away McCoy leaned his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I love you. Come back to me."
"I will"
I smiled and kissed him softly then joined Spock and Kirk as Spock finished saying goodbye to Uhura.
Jim asked about her name I laughed.
We were sent to the Narada.
Once there Jim and Spock headed to the red matter ship first then Jim would go for Pike.
I found Nero easy enough. When his men said the ship was being taken I froze them all in place.

"Death Come Forth

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"Death Come Forth."
Death bowed to me.
"Death take Hero's soul to his wife and son. Free him from this pain."
Death did so. Nero collapsing. I ordered one of his men to stop the drill. They quickly did and retracted it. I then portaled all his men to the brig of the Enterprise. They would wait in Federation security for Romulan ambassadors to come for them. They were just following orders after all.I then once sure Kirk and Pike were off the ship asked Primal to destroy it safely so it was not in anyone planets hands. Before Primal did so I was safely back on the Enterprise. I shadow traveled straight to Medical to help Pike.
After a few days we were at the acknowledgement ceremony. Kirk was made Captain and awarded the Enterprise. Pike was made an admiral. Only one in Starfleet command was unhappy I destroyed the ship. He will met his fate soon.
Right after the ceremony while people stood around chatting, McCoy asked for everyone's attention. I turned looking to him then gasped as tears of joy came to my eyes. There was Leonard on his knee with a ring.
"Wynter, sweetheart, you are the greatest joy a man could have in his life. Would you do me the greatest of honors and agree to become my wife?" He asked.
I nodded yes as he placed a ring on my finger with my daily wedding ring. I hugged him as a cheer rang out through the hall.

 Later that evening, after I sent Ambassador Spock to New Vulcan, I was met with Spock, Sarek and Amanda

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Later that evening, after I sent Ambassador Spock to New Vulcan, I was met with Spock, Sarek and Amanda. She hugged me and offered the ring back, I told her to keep it. It could be used to reach me if she has need. Sarek also offered me his thanks before they left me with Spock.
"Why did you let me think she had died?" He asked.
"Because like Ambassador Spock, I could not deny you the chance to learn and rise nor the chance at the life long friendship that would come from you and Kirk."
He nodded then shocked me when he hugged me for a moment so short I thought I imagined it before he walked off.

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