rant about my controlling mom and some outside life problems

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She is always controlling and never gives me personal space everytime. She always says something like "what dont u want me seeing" or something like that and im tired of it. She always lies to me about how shes gonna put a "tracking" device in my phone and everything but i remember when she already said that. She just keeps quiet when i speak the truth. She just does it to do it. I never can have online friends or speak to anyone online or else she'll mute me. Im tired of it why cant she be like my dad, my dad doesn't care that much. Shes not protective shes controlling and i fucking hate it. "Im doing it for ur own good" shut up no u aren't all you are doing is ruining me having online friends and not just irl friends that actually have the samw interestsin me and dont spread false rumors about me liking someone. If i do it they tell me to stop. Next time im not stopping. Its like I'm fine but then the world just comes crashing on my back at school and home. My dad is fine with it a bit not, like he'll ask questions. But not mt mom im starting to hate my mom and i hate to say that because i feel guilty but im tired of pretending im not ashamed or me hating this family. Literally my parents fight over the most stupidest things. My cousin always makes rumors about me liking someone. One time i didn't hear what she said so i just said yes and she said i liked *name*. Ik i should've said what but i didnt want to. Evertime i do it to her she says to stop seriously but i dont mainly because im scared ill upset her. :(

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