Story III : trick or treat - Pt1.

Start from the beginning

"Max, maybe we shouldn't go up to it." Lucas softly mumbles as he stares at me. "Oh common! What do you think is in there? A monster? A serial killer?" I chuckle as I look at the cabin and back at Lucas. "I don't know Max, maybe Lucas is right. It doesn't look safe." Dustin points out. "Guys, common. It's just an old cabin. It's probably some old grandpa who lives in the middle of the forest, because he doesn't like the busy streets." I chuckle as I sneak closer to the Cabin. Dustin and Lucas look at each other a bit nervous. "I dare you to knock on the door." I dare Lucas with a grin. "Hell no! Dustin you do it!" Lucas replies nervously. "No way! She's daring you!" Dustin replies to Lucas. I roll my eyes with a chuckle as I turn to the Cabin. "I'll go. Scaredy-cats." I grin as I sneak over to the Cabin. "Max watch out." Lucas whispers. "Oh shut up Lucas there is nothing to be be scared of." I whisper back. I stood in front of the door now as Lucas wanted to walk up to me, but instead tripped over a random wire. Which set of a loud bang sound. "HOLY SHIT!" Lucas curses as he got up quickly. "SON OF A BITCH." Dustin yelled as they both sprint away. "Shit, shit." I curse as it really sounded like a gun shot. I wanted to run away too, but when I looked back at the Cabin I saw a figure stand in the window, of someone my age it looked like. I stopped running as I stare back at the figure. It quickly disappeared behind the blinds again. I frown as it made me want to go back to the cabin. Were they stuck in there? Was the figure alone or did they need help? It looked like someone my age and if that was so, they wouldn't be living alone. And why would there be a alarm system if they didn't have something to hide?

I made my way back to the cabin as I was way to curious and needed to know more. It didn't sit right with me. My mask was on top of my head, more like a hat as I held my fake knife in front of me as I make my way to the door again. The knife wasn't real or sharp at all, so I couldn't really defend myself with it if I needed too, but maybe it looked intimidating enough to scare someone off.

I knock on the door as I wait for an answer. Nothing. I knock again, this time I acted like I was just a dumb kid who wanted candy. Maybe they would answer me this time. "Trick or treat." I say through the door. I didn't put my mask on, since I didn't want to look like a real serial killer since I didn't know who lived here. I heard lots of clicking noises of locks as the door suddenly opened. I looked at the door but there was no one there. It was almost as if a ghost opened the door. Was this place haunted?

"Hello? Is there someone here? I saw you in the window earlier." I call out as I grip my fake knife tighter. Was I really going to do this? I sigh as I step inside. "Hello?" I call out again as suddenly the door shuts behind me. "SHIT. No! This is how I die. Haven't I learned anything from all those horror movies." I groan slightly panicked as I try to open the door but couldn't. It looked like something held it shut. Suddenly my fake knife got thrown out my hand as I was really freaking out now. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I ask panicked as I felt super freaked out. How could this happen? Was this house really haunted?!

"Trick or treat." I suddenly hear in front of me as I saw a figure standing in front of me with a white sheet over it's head, with holes cut out for the eyes. So it looked like a ghost. Only the place where you'd imagine there being a nose had a blood stain on the white sheet. It sounded like a girls voice. "Holy shit! That's not how it works, but sure you can have all my candy." I nervously joke as I drop my pumpkin bucket with candy on the floor. When I'm scared or nervous I mostly joke to make it less scary. It's my way of coping. "What are you doing here?" The voice asks as the ghost costume came closer. "I was trick or treating. And I thought someone was stuck here and- It was stupid I'm sorry." I ramble as I stood with my back against the door. "You have a knife." The voice said as it points at the fake knife who was thrown on the ground by a sudden power. "It's fake! It's just a Halloween costume." I explain nervously as I meet the eyes of the ghost. The ghost picked up my candy bucket and handed it back to me.

"Is Trick or treat not how it works? How does it work?" The voice asks me almost sweetly. I look at the figure confused as I was trying to figure out wat was happening. "I'll answer all your questions and help you, but can I first know who you are? It's weird and creepy to be talking to a ghost who literally threw my knife on the floor and closed the door without touching it. The ghost figure looks at me as it was thinking. A hand appears under the sheet as they took of the sheet.

I got greeted by a girl from my age who I saw in the window earlier , looking at me with her hazel eyes full of curiosity. She had short curly hair and she looked- pretty cute with it. She wore a flannel which I thought was cool. Her face looked friendly, but mostly curious. But one thing that I noticed right away is that her nose was bleeding.

"I'm Eleven. Who are you?"


//AN: spooooky right? Hope you like the Halloween short so far! I wanted to thank you for the support and the sweet words on my stories so far. It makes me want to write more for you loves. I love to see you happy. Remember you are loved and I care about you. <3 let me be your safe space and your comfort blanket. I got you <3

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