ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 124

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Remus held me back when they flooed off with powder in their hands, an uncertain expression on his face, searching my ears as he asks,

"You're okay if it all comes out tonight, aren't you? Because my mum and dad are the worst at being secretive and they'll probably give it away and—"

"Remus, it's perfectly okay, they'll know eventually, if tonight's the night, then that's what it is. I'd like to share the news with our friends, I'm looking forward to marrying you" I cut him off calmly, pressing my finger to his lips, his face softening considerably, relaxing the furrow in his brow bone as he kisses the pad of my finger, murmuring,

"Me too. I'm looking forward to marrying you too"

I retracted my finger when my heart skipped a few beats, stepping into the fireplace after taking a handful of floo powder, speaking as he stood beside me, "That's good. I'd be disappointed if you weren't"

He snickered, snaking his arm around my waist as I spoke the destination clearly, dropping the handful of powder as green flames erupted around us, transporting us straight inside the Potter's living room. Familiar laughter and natter sounded in my ears as we stepped out together, the werewolf brushing me down with a wink as a voice suddenly exclaimed,

"Moontree's here! It's about bloody time, we've been waiting hours! Hours, I tell you, I was about to come over myself and drag you here"

"It's been less than an hour and a half since we were at the station, Prongs" Remus deadpanned, glancing towards the hands on the clock nearby, reading half past seven at night, my lips twitching as James folded his arms over his chest, insisting,

"Far too long, what are we supposed to do without you?"

"Did I hear Mon lune et mon soleil?" Sirius inquired, popping his head into the living room and catching sight of us with a wide grin, claiming, "It's about time, we've been waiting ages!"

"They definitely rehearsed this..." Remus muttered to me, taking my hand and beginning to lead me towards the dining room we gathered everyone else was joined in, Sirius and James scoffing when we brushed straight past them towards the room, Scarlette leaving Newt's side when she caught a glimpse of me, snatching me from Remus and picking me up, my arms and legs wrapping around her like a koala as she spun us around.

"Go on, Willow, kiss her" Peter encouraged, the parents' eyebrows shooting to their hairlines as I hummed nonchalantly,

"Okay but I don't think Sirius and Remus were impressed last time"

"On the contrary, I thoroughly enj— loathed. I loathed it, no kissing" Sirius coughed, changing his words when Remus shot him a flat glare, James biting back his laughter and scooting closer to Regulus as though my werewolf was about to lash out at him.

"You're all acting so dramatic, they all probably think we snogged, it was just the corner of my mouth for a joke" Scarlette clarified, placing me down and kissing my cheek, Regulus piping,

"I have reason to believe you have—"

"Ah, Reg, i've missed you in this small amount of time" I chirped, wrapping the boy in a hug as he sealed his lips, melting into the embrace, kissing the top of my head as Mia announced,

"Dinner's ready!"

All of us took our seats at the extended table, the parents all on one side and our group on the other, Remus and Scarlette either side of me whilst Regulus and James were across from us, Peter on the end and Sirius on Scarlette's other side. I smiled to myself, the thought of near enough all the people I love being under the same rough together once again only adding to the happiness that's been bubbling inside of me.

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