Rain: Eeeee

Phayu: Not like that

Rain(confused): How? (Then realised) Don't tell me.

I saw him smirking. I squeaked and ran out of the bathroom, him chasing me behind and hid under the blanket. No way I'll let him explore how many teeth I have with his tongue. He'll surely do something else too.

Rain: I'm sleeping. Good night.

Phayu: Ohh? Where's my goodnight kiss?

Rain: I'm not giving you!!

Phayu: I'll sulk a whole year if you don't kiss me rn.

Ughh what a drama queen. I got up and kissed him. But before I could move away he caught my neck and deeply kissed me. I couldn't resist the passion from my Alpha. So I closed my eyes and feel the ecstatic feeling of being kissed by my loved one. When we pulled apart I was panting for air. He peeked my lips and let us fall on the bed.

Phayu: Good night. Sweet dreams na.

Rain: Sweet dreams.

And that's how my night ended with a good night sleep in my lover's arm wrapped around my body.

Present day

Rain was thinking about his moments of last night and his face was filled with a goofy smile. He didn't notice Stop and Sky was coming.

Stop: See he's in his goofy dreamland again .

Sky(laughed): He's gone man.

Then they saw the chain on Rain's neck and their eyes widened. They came beside Rain and asked.

Sky: Rain is that what I'm thinking?

Rain: If you don't tell me what you're exactly thinking then how can I know.

Sky: Ai sat( meaning: asshole)

Stop: Enough enough. Rain did this chain?

Rain: Yes P'Phayu gave me last night.

Sky: It's the forever chain of his family tradition right?

Rain: Mmmm

Sky: O my god Rain you're his forever mate!!!! Congrats friend!!! I'm so happy for you.

Sky hugged Rain and he hugged back too. They were swaying back and forth in the hug. Stop saw them amusingly. He's happy for Rain. He truly is . Yes he had feelings for Rain but he knows nobody can make Rain this happy without P'Phayu. Damn man he's so jealous. But he's happy for his little friend from the bottom of his heart.

Stop: Congrats Rain. I'm happy for you.

Rain smiled at his best friend and hugged him. Stop hugged him back.

Rain: Thank you so much Stop.

Stop: Mmm . Oh don't forget to invite me in your wedding.

Rain: Ai Stop!!! It's too early.

Stop: just a Reminder. By the way now the whole University will know one of Theerapanyakul family's son is courting you. Is that okay Rain? I mean you know na all the Omegas even Betas are hungry for them even if they've never seen their face. Don't you think it's a little bit risky?

Rain: Don't worry look at the gate.

They saw two bodyguards were standing there with all black.

Rain: They'll come to me in one signal if I'm in problem and you guys are here too. So what's to worry about?

Sky: Wow wow my friend is famous now .

Rain: Wait till P'Pai give you the chain.

Sky: Shut up Rain.

Stop(stunned) : Wait wait wait you're dating Prince Pai? O my god how come my friend circle became dengerous family members!!!

Rain and Sky laughed at Stop's acting. They went to their classes promising to meet in cafe at lunch.

At lunch time

Stop: So he was Prince Pai!!!

Sky: Shh keep you voice down Stop.

Stop: I was a bit excited. So P'Prapai was Prince Pai? Wow i didn't have any clue. P'Phayu and P'Prapai both surprised me when I came to know they're the sons of Theerapanyakul. Damn man it's shocking how they act so like normal people.

Rain: They want to act like normal people and communicate with them that's why they hid their face and identity both.

Sky: Chai and Now you know both Venice and Pai. And don't call him a prince. He's more like a shameless psycho.

Rain: Uh and P'Phayu is a pervert.

Stop: Wowwww that's expected. Mysterious boys with mysterious characters. And both my friends soon-to-be husbands. Woah I should write a book about this. So when will they show their face?

Rain: On the engagement day.

Stop: And when is that.

Rain: Ai Stop we just started dating. It's too early for engagement or marriage. I've already told you if you tease again Imma gonna smack you.

Sig heard the marriage talk when he was going. He came and sit with them.

Sig: Wait who's marrige?

Stop: Rain's..... Oops I mean in a Rain's day a mermaid. we were talking about how a mermaid married a prince.

Sig squinted his eyes at Stop who got cold sweat. Then he said.

Sig: I've heard of the story not interested bye.

Everyone huffed. They didn't even know they're holding a breath.

Sky: Ai Stop you almost get us busted.

Stop: Khothod na. (Meaning: sorry) My tongue slipped.

Rain: You better keep your mouth shut or I'll beat you.

Stop gesturing closing his mouth like zipping a bag and sat there quietly. Jesus his friends started to become scary too . What an influence. What an influence!!!


Whew almost slipped my hand and told everything to Sig.

Thank God

Okay guys see you in next chapter.

Side story

Phayu: I gave Rain forever chain.

Author: That's why.

Phayu : That's why what?

Author: YOU STINK. Why're people around me so in love except me.

Phayu: Then why don't you find someone.

Author: That's not an option.

Phayu: Then what's in your option.

Author: Adopt me .

Phayu: .....

Author: .....

Fandom: .....

Whole universe: ....

Author: Well nevermind ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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