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enjoy this part- I personally do :D!


when we got back at school, it was all Halloween decorated! I am sure this was the ghosts favourite season!
"hey Theo!" I said, catching up to sit next to him, we were now in the 4th year! "Hey sweetheart!" He said, "where's lavender?" I asked, "over there" he said, pointing to lavender sobbing her eyes out, she was being comforted by her only friend, Angelica dice. Me and Matteo hang out days, skipped classes together, it was amazing! I loved him. at one point, lavender ran past me in lunch, "its all your fault!" She said, in tears Matteo mouthed to me behind her, "it's not your fault, she's being dramatic" he mouthed, I'm guessing because of the break up!

"Theo can I tell my friends we're dating?" I asked him, "sure sweetheart!" He said, joyfully, "okay I will tell them today!" I said, I felt really happy with my life. I got back to my dorm a bit later, "guys?" I called out, "yeah?" Ginny said, coming down stairs with Hermione, Harry and Ron behind her "I gotta tell you something" I said, I don't know if they would judge me or not. "So Uhm.. I'm dating Matteo" i said, "EEEEKKKKK FINALLY" they said, this made me smile, I looked at Hermione, I was so glad she seemed fine with it. The next day, lavender gave Matteo a box of heart shaped chocolates, she still loved him jeez!

A few weeks pass, me and Matteo still hang out every day, we hold hand, laugh ,talk, well, we used to, he started to stop holding my hand, laughing at jokes, talking as much in between classes, he even stopped calling me my nickname.

"But hey do you wanna hang out in the libary after school today?" I asked him, "sorry y/n I am busy"he said, "oh. That's Alright! Well cya later Theo!" I said, heading to class. This day was a Long day, so after school I went to the library to read by myself since Matteo couldn't come, but I couldn't believe it. He was sitting. In our spot. With lavender f#cking brown, he said he was busy!?. Never mind, maybe I'm being dramatic! We can hangout tomorrow!

~ time skip to last class in school tomorrow:) (there will be quite a few time skips sorry!) ~
the last class was snape's class. I saw Matteo saving an empty seat! Maybe it was for me! When I went to go sit lavender pushed past me. And sat right next to him. What is there problem? "Hey Uhm Matteo- so you wanna hang out today?" I ask him, "yeah sure I guess" he answers, and we walk to the library, this time, he didn't laugh or smile, like he used to. But he did with lavender.

"So.. how was your summer.?" I ask him, " It wasn't even that fun.." he says, I didn't know what was up with him, "well do you wanna do something?" I ask., breaking the silence "you can help me with my homework" he says, I guess I will. "Aha this is actually hard I don't know this either!" I say, joking around, although I did know the answer, "Your so dumb lavender would know this" he said "did you know lavender is actually kind and funny!" "Lavender got her her done today, it looks really good" all he talked about was lavender. "Yep, great." I said, fake smiling "I need the bathroom be right back." He said, so I waited, and waited and waited. He didn't come back.

I decided to just go back to my dorm, and I thought maybe I could check if he went back to his dorm, I knocked on the door, Draco opened it. "Hey Draco is Matteo back" I ask, "uh yeah he's in his dorm" he says, "great thanks!" I say, walking in, but through the door window I see him, and lavender. She's sitting on his lap, there laughing and talking. That b#tch. Hermione was right.. he's a jerk. I run out crying, "Y/n!??" Draco calls, he follows me.

1000 words! Yay :D I hope you guys are enjoying it!

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