"These robotic rescue vehicles will streamline our resources. Now one human team with one robot can do the work of an entire police force. Fire Department, Emergency Response Unit, and Engineering Corps. Each robot is programmed to respond only to the commands of its handler." The officer gestured as three young adults walked forward, joining the old man, each individual dressed up for the position they were being assigned as, two boys were dressed up, one in a fireman suit, and the other dressed as a engineer, whereas the other individual was a young woman dressed up as a pilot. "So you can sleep at night, knowing that Griffin Rock is protected by the very best that technology and humanity have to offer." The officer explained as he stood in front of the group of bots and individual people. To prove her point, she saw as the green bot, the bulldozer, raised his arm up to touch a butterfly that landed on his nose, but the firetruck bot bumped him to stop the attempt, causing him to immediately go back to his stance that he had previously.

As she looked at the bots, she saw the same boy from earlier hop onto the stage, looking at the same green bot that she had been looking at, making her certain he also recognized the fact the bot had moved. Seeing the four dressed up members of the rescue crew, they got into a stance ready to take a picture in front of the four bots, as she saw the kid clearly disappointed, before he walked away, making her feel a little bad for the boy. He seemed in her view to be a lot more mature than Sari and Miko were. He almost seemed in her view to be a mix between Jack and Rafael.

Watching the group pose, she caught the small scent of a fire, getting her attention as she quickly turned in the direction of the smell, and took off running down the road, wishing that her feet were bare instead of dressed with the shoes on her feet, but taking them off right now would in turn end up waste time. Just as she saw the building lit on fire, she saw the four bots coming up right behind her in their altmodes, as the police bot drove right up toward what appeared to be a museum caught on fire.

"Transform, and clear the museum of civilians." The officer ordered as he pointed at the museum.

"Please evacuate in an orderly fashion." The bot spoke in a robotic tone as he transformed into his bipedal mode. Just as the fireman hopped out of the firetruck, pulling up right beside the police bot. Looking up, she saw the fireman come back with two wax mummies in his servos as the bot looked down at the officer.

"These humans did not respond." The bot acknowledged, making her scoff at the response.

"Well, I don't think we need to worry too much about them, partner." The officer replied, laughing at the comment the bot gave. She watched as the rescue team worked on getting the fire out. The bulldozer moved plants to form a small fire block, as the helicopter landed with the woman carrying some sort of kit in her hand. The firefighter aimed a hose through the window of the museum to get the fire put out.

After what seemed to be not even 20 minutes, she could see the crew walking into the museum, followed behind by the same kid from earlier sneaking inside. Running past the autobots, her hood snug over her head, she ran toward the museum door and snuck in after the kid. Aware of the chance the bots were watching her, she snuck in through the museum door, closing it right behind her to find the boy hiding behind a nearby pillar. Seeing all of the rescue crew members talking amongst each other, she saw what appeared to be a robotic version of dinosaurs, most likely in her view the source of the fire that had burned the building in the first place.

Finding a small sense of warning in the area, she looked up to see what looked like a brontosaurus about to break over the engineer and the officer, getting her attention as she took off running in front of the boy, the pilot and the firefighter as she ran past them and jumped up into the air, bouncing off the wall, as she grabbed the falling piece of the large dinosaur, well aware that in the corner of her vision she saw the fire bot was about to intervene in the accident, but she already beat him to it, as she landed in the center of the museum with the large head of the dinosaur in her servos, setting it down on the floor, before turning to find both the rescue team, including the boy, along with the fire bot outside the window looking right at her, as she stood in front of all of them.

"How did you do that?" The engineer cried, as he stood up and looked at her.

"Forget how she did it, why is that person even in here?" The firefighter yelled, pointing at her.

"She just saved both Graham and dad, yet you're complaining." The woman cried, looking at the firefighter who appeared to have the same blond hair as Cody.

"I believe I recognize you, from the jewelry shop earlier today." The officer spoke, approaching her. "With the pearls."

"Correct sir." She replied, looking at the officer. Standing there at her full height, along with her arms at her side.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here when you told me you don't like to be involved with people?" The officer asked, as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at her.

"Sir, I stayed in town to see the revealing of the Rescue Bots, but as I smelled a fire nearby, I came running down here to make sure nobody was in danger, but by the time I got here, you and your team were already pulling up outside." She explained. "In my own time, for the past 12 years I have been training myself to become a ninja if you will, but such efforts require solitude, along with separation from civilization in order to become a skilled professional. I have not involved myself with people, due to my training, but that does not stop me from the occasional want to help serve and protect people who are in need or in danger."

"If you knew we already had it taken care of, why did you come inside the museum?" The officer asked, looking at her questionably.

"A little boy, sir. I recognized a boy sneaking inside, unable to stop him. I snuck in after him, leading to the point of me rescuing you and Graham, I believe the woman called him."

"You mean to tell us you are a highly trained ninja, but instead of kicking butts, you choose to do simple acts of rescue?" The firefighter asked, looking at her in disbelief.

"I am not a mercenary, if that is what you are trying to apply. I have studied the ways of the old Ninja's but unlike them, filled with the urge to cause infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, I have devoted myself to the helping of Mother Earth, and her people." She explained, "Now as for my deal earlier, I said I would introduce myself the next time I saw you, Officer. My name is Clara Vallonia, but you can simply call me Clara or Claire." She held her servo out for the Officer to shake, hoping to get rid of the uneasiness with her lies that she managed to easily slide into play.

"Nice to meet you Clara, I am Chief Burns, but you can simply call me Charlie. Now where is this boy that you saw sneak in here?" The officer asked, as he shook her hand, before taking it back.

"I'm right here, Dad." Cody spoke, walking forward behind her, getting everyone's attention as they saw him.

"Cody, of course he would end up sneaking in after us." The firefighter grumbled, as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked away.

"I must get back to my training, but as for the rescue, just take it as a thank you for helping me earlier." Julie spoke, as she looked at Chief Burns.

"You still need training, even after that move?" Graham asked, looking at her.

"No matter how good you believe you are at anything, there is always room for improvement, whether it be physically, mentally or even emotionally." Julie explained, as she looked at Graham. "Maybe you will see me around town, but then again, ninjas are known for their quiet and their stealth, cya." She cried as she jumped over Graham and Chief Burns, running toward the broken window, where she did a backflip through it, landing outside by the bots. Looking at the four bots, she did a salute of respect as she looked at them. "Rescue Bots..." She spoke, giving them a sense of respect, before she went ahead and took off running away from the museum, well aware the four bots were watching her as she left them behind. 

Forever In Strife : Transformers Rescue BotsWhere stories live. Discover now