Ch.23 Stupid Little Girls

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Chapter 23 Stupid Little Girls 

Just when Gia thought her life couldn't go any more downhill, Carla walked into her room two days after the fight with Daniel to announce her father was at the airport.

"Luca is picking him up," Carla said as she leaned against Gia's door frame. "He asked me to make sure you understood that you are not to talk about Daniel under any circumstance."

"Or what?" Gia arched her brow.

"Oh what?" Carla's brows furrowed. "Gia, is this a game to you? Or are you having trouble understanding that Angelo will kill you, you stupid girl. You and I may have gotten away from Del Mare but the rules still apply to us."

Gia didn't respond. She did not wish to argue with Carla just in case she needed her aunt in a good mood later for something. Lately, it seemed as if her whole life had turned into a chess match. All the right moves needed to be made at the right places. But the only problem was, Gia never learned to play chess.

"Go fix yourself," Carla pointed with her long finger. "When was the last time you brushed your hair or took a shower?"

"I don't see the point," Gia sighed. "I don't have any plans on going anywhere today."

"What about your internship?"

"Are you telling me that my darling brother is still allowing me to continue my internship?" Gia gasped sarcastically.

"Don't be so dramatic," Carla pushed off the door frame. "We're doing this to save your future. And your internship is a part of your future. Focus on that."

"I quit my internship."

"What?" Carla looked over her shoulder and watched Gia shrug.

"I quit," she said once more.


"Last night," Gia said.

"Are you out of your mind?" Carla's voice dripped with anger.

"I don't see why it matters," Gia shook her head. "It's not like I ever have to work for money. I never have to do anything. I'm going to drop out next semester."

"Gia," Carla slowly took in a deep breath as if to keep herself calm. "Tell me you're seriously not this stupid."

Gia smiled, "I am seriously this stupid."

Carla's face dropped like a stone. Her jaw tensed as her eyes narrowed. She took a step into the room and grabbed Gia by the arm. Carla hurled the girl up to her feet and yanked her forward to make sure Gia heard every word she said.

"You want to know why Luca treats you like a little girl?" Carla asked. "It's because you're stupid and reckless like a little girl."

Gia tried to pull her arm back but Carla wouldn't let her go. She pulled her forward and dug her nail deeper into her arm.

"If you think we're going to bend to your will because we care too much about your future then you're dead wrong, sweetheart," Carla declared. "You want to ruin your life? Be my guest. Your father doesn't give two shits about what you do with yourself. He'll marry you off to anyone who will present a good enough business deal to him. He won't even care if the man is a murder or an abusive piece of shit."

Gia had never heard Carla use such language in all the years she had lived with her. Carla had always been logical, nurturing, encouraging. But the woman before Gia was anything but. The Carla who stared into Gia's eyes had lived a lie Gia knew nothing about. And she was trying desperately to keep Gia from ever finding out what that life was like.

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