Lin Huang stood up and looked at it while he was headed towards the boarding area.

The big ship had luxurious designs which looked similar to a luxury cruise on Earth. However, the size of the ship was much bigger and had very colorful designs.

It was a big ship with 11 floors. Many people were standing on the balcony and looking around. Also, some of them were looking down from the ship as they leaned against the deck beside of the ship. A few of them were standing on the 11th floor and looking down.

There were not many people boarding at Baqi City. There were only 10 of them, including Lin Huang and there were around eight people getting off the ship.

Lin Huang adjusted the Emperor’s Heart Ring for the projection of the ticket. It was being scanned at the boarding place and the door automatically opened. Lin Huang felt that it was similar to taking the train on Earth.

After entering the ship, he looked for his room according to the room number that was shown on the ticket. The code of his ticket was 080298. That indicated that his room was on the 8th floor and room No.298.

With the floating staircase, he went up to the 8th floor and found his room.

He scanned his ticket before entering the room and pushed against the door. The condition of the room was better than what Lin Huang had expected. It was almost the same as an Earth’s hotel deluxe suite. It had a big living room, a fully equipped kitchen, sparkling toilets, and a very comfortable bedroom.

“No wonder the price of the ticket was so expensive. The room is very satisfying. Aside from some pocket money, all other expenses are included,” Lin Huang thought. He was content with the service provided in this world. He was satisfied with most of the services provided to him so far. Besides, they hired top-quality employees who were always warm and friendly.

He walked around the room and familiarized himself with his surroundings. He could see from the balcony that the spaceship had taken off.

Standing on the balcony, Lin Huang felt it was very different from being on an airplane.

The Demonic Crystal Spaceship was very stable. It left the ground and gradually flew towards the sky. A large air bubble formed around the spaceship and it was shrouded in like a forcefield.

Inside the air bubble, Lin Huang could vaguely feel slightly weighted down when the spaceship ascended. However, the feeling lasted for less than one minute and disappeared completely. Subsequently, the spaceship accelerated. However, Lin Huang did not feel anything odd during the whole process and there was no difference between that and standing on the ground.

He would not have known the spaceship had taken off if he did not see the objects moving below him.

After a short while, Lin Huang went to his bedroom.

He sat on the edge of the bed, preparing to read the detailed information of Bai Yan’s family. Suddenly, he received a message. He opened the message and realized it was an official advertisement given by the Demonic Crystal Spaceship.

A pretty lady in red dress popped up on the screen. In the video, she talked about the contents of the advertisement with a smile.

“Dear valued customers, you may click on the special service button on our spaceship’s main web page if you need special services,” she said sweetly.

“You may choose a man or woman from ages 16 to 360 years old. There are many types of age group and gender available. You may choose based on your preferences and we will satisfy your needs.”

“If you have any special request such as human-like monsters or non-human monsters, a pre-order is available. Please press the pre-order button and we will place the order for you.”

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