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Sara was sobbing on the ground.The man who was holding her was Maikeru, and his grip had tightened on her. Sara had no idea why he would be doing this. She just wanted to be safe and go home..."Get up Sara! You must stay strong for me!" Sara blinked away the tears and looked at the him again.He was taller then before and had more muscles.His eyes were a shining brown, almost like they were glowing in the dim lights that surrounded them.He looked scared. Sara still had Snow in her arms but she felt numb so she couldn't feel them.All she could see was the terror in her best friend's eyes and feel the tears stream down her face.Sara couldn't think,she was just so confused and scared.Maikeru picked up Snow from Sara's arms and led Sara out of the alleyway they were in.Sara just followed Maikeru until they stopped in front of a house.The house was smaller than Sara was used to.It had one story with a small garden that looked like it had been recently put into shape, and flowers bloomed everywhere around the area.The house seemed completely in place in this town of Gilten.Maikeru pulled some keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.He gestured for Sara to step inside and followed behind her.The inside of the house was a lot brighter then Sara expected.Bright colors were scattered throughout the room and paintings were hanging on most of the walls.They made their way to the stairs and descended down them.In the basement there was a small sofa and a bed along with a couple of shelves full of toys and books.Maikeru carefully put Snow on the sofa and motioned for Sara to sit down next to them."I know you are feeling very upset right now,so you should get some sleep",he said "Then we will talk in the morning." Maikeru stood up from his seat."You can shout my name or come to me if you need anything.But I wish for you to get some rest.Goodnight."

As soon as Maikeru left,Sara laid in bed.She stared at the dark ceiling.Her thoughts started flooding back at her.She felt so angry and helpless.She didn't know what was going on,or why Maikeru was in town.Sara thought about what happened earlier today...she forgot what happened earlier today...everything after that blurred together.It all felt like a dream...A horrible nightmare.She had hardly any memories of the past couple of hours.No matter how long she tried to remember,she was only able to remember fire...and her running from the pack house.Sara later fell asleep thinking about the fire that destroyed the pack house.

Snow woke up very early in the morning and tried to stand up and managed to walk up the stairs to the kitchen.Maikeru was sat on the dining table drinking coffee while reading the newspaper.Maikeru turned his head when he heard Snow's steps."Goodmorning little missy".Snow ran towards Maikeru and climbed onto his lap.Maikeru laughed at Snow's behaviour but he quickly calmed down when Snow hugged him tightly."Are you hungry?Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?",Maikeru asked as he carried Snow to the couch where he had set aside a mug filled with warm milk.Maikeru gently placed Snow into his lap so that they would be comfortable.Maikeru took the mug from Snow and held it close to his mouth."Hot chocolate is very good when you are sad.You should drink it every time your feeling sad",he said softly.Snow slowly sipped the milk.When she finished drinking the milk,Maikeru gently let Snow lay back down on the couch.Snow yawned and closed her eyes.Maikeru placed a kiss on top of Snow's head and turned on the TV.The news was reporting about a fire that occurred in the forest last night and it looked like they were going to broadcast the video from that time.Maikeru frowned at this.He knew it was going to make things harder for Sara since this would explain everything that happened that day.He was glad that Snow wasn't remembering anything.If the child was to find out everything that had happened she wouldn't have the strength to keep living anymore.Maikeru hoped he could convince Sara to forget everything but he was sure that she wouldn't.He looked over at Snow who was watching the television.Sara had woken up a few minutes ago.After taking a shower she walked to the kitchen,dressed in her jeans and T shirt.Maikeru raised an eyebrow when he saw her.This girl was going to have problems with him...that much was certain."Good morning sweetie",he smiled at her.Sara returned his smile and nodded."Morning",she replied quietly."How does eggs sound?",Maikeru asked.Sara shrugged.She loved eggs but she doubted she would like any food that day.Maikeru shook his head and sighed."Okay I'll try something else then",he said.He grabbed the skillet and started cooking some bacon.Sara watched him cook breakfast.This morning was a bit quiet and Maikeru seemed sad, not talking to her.Sara looked down at her hands.She hated when people were sad.Especially Maikeru.She always felt bad whenever someone was sad or in pain.Maikeru noticed her staring at him and smiled brightly at her."What else would you like for breakfast,sweetheart?",he asked.She looked up at Maikeru and shrugged."Anything sounds good to me",Sara said and gave a weak smile.Maikeru placed two plates on the table.One of which had bacon and eggs,and the other had toast with jam.The two ate silently."Do you want to talk about what happened last night?",Maikeru asked.Sara looked up at him and shook her head.Maikeru looked slightly sad,but kept trying to hide it."Alright.Just know that I am here for you,and if you ever need me just give me a call",he told her.Sara just nodded.He got up from the table and walked to the sink to clean his plate before putting it in the dishwasher."Is there anything I can do to help with cleaning up?"Sara asked as she also got up from the table."No thank you sweetie.I will take care of everything,but you should probably get dressed",Maikeru said.Sara nodded and went upstairs to get dressed.She changed into something comfortable and brushed her hair.She decided to wear a hoodie over her clothes as winter was coming soon.It was the same thing she wore to training every day,except this hoodie had a picture of a dog printed on it.Maikeru walked into the bathroom to brush his hair.Once done he went to the living room and grabbed his coat.He put the key that belonged to the house into a hidden pocket.He glanced outside the window and smiled.There was snow falling outside and it seemed like a light snowfall was coming."Are you ready to go?"He asked Sara as he walked up the stairs to the kitchen."Yeah",said Sara as she grabbed her coat.She opened the door,and walked out.They went to the park,as it was pretty empty.They headed to the nearest bench and sat down.It was really quiet in the park today.They both stayed silent for some moments.It was a peaceful silence and neither wanted to break it.Eventually,the silence was broken."So",Maikeru said breaking the silence."I am sorry that things ended up the way that it did."Sara looked at him surprised."Why are you apologizing? You aren't at fault",she said in disbelief.Maikeru chuckled."That doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel guilty",he said.Sara couldn't believe it.She wondered why anyone would ever cause this kind of harm to another person."It's alright",she said.They remained silent for a little longer than usual.Neither one wanted to say anything else in fear that the awkwardness between them would get stronger if they continued to speak.They just stayed there,listening to the sounds of nature around them.Maikeru was thinking about what to say to Sara."I'm sorry for leaving at that time but I knew that something bad was going to happen when the werewolf hunters got closer to the Packhouse",he started off saying."We all knew that something like this might happen",Sara answered."but we never knew when so I decided to get a safe house ready for me and my family but..."Maikeru continued.Then trails of smoke drifted north towards them.The scent of the burning woods reached their noses."I mean at least we can't smell any burning flesh",Maikeru said."I guess you're right",said Sara as the smoke got bigger."Come on lets go home",he said as he stood up from the bench.Sara followed him as they walked towards the house they are living in.

A few days later
Sara found herself walking back to the house after having dinner at the nearby restaurant and Sara hadn't been able to shake off the strange feeling that she was getting as she had been in the restaurant not long ago.She wasn't exactly sure why she felt so uneasy but she didn't want to talk to Maikeru about it.He had been feeling scared and nervous as his son was nowhere to be seen since the time he left him to find a safe house.Sara was nervous as well because she hadn't seen him since the moon festival a few days ago.It was now Saturday and Maikeru was still worried about Snow.They had gotten sick yesterday and was currently resting in their bedroom sleeping away.Sara soon stepped inside the door and hanged up her newly bought winter coat.As she stepped further in the house she put away her shoes by the entrance way before heading into the living room.She then went downstairs and entered Snow's room,where she assumed that they would be sleeping.Snow was laying on their side on their bed,with their blanket covering their body.they had their hair down and it shined like silver in the lamplight.The blankets on Snow had slipped down revealing their legs covered by a white long sleeved pajama top.They looked like a pair of starfish under the covers with their arms spread out.Sara giggled as she looked at how cute they were together.Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the bathroom door shut."Hi honey",she called out.Maikeru poked his head through the doorway.His hair was wet and he was holding a towel in his hand,soaked from his recent shower.He stared at Sara for a moment before giving her a small smile."good evening Sara,how was dinner?",he asked her as he closed the bathroom door behind himself."It was good...",Sara responded."You look exhausted,what was wrong with Snow?",Maikeru asked."Well Snow isn't feeling very well so they are resting right now",Sara answered.Maikeru nodded."I'm sure they will be fine once they wake up",he said as he made his way into the living room.Sara followed him and sat down next to him.She leaned against him while looking towards the tv.Then the channel was interrupted by an important message and it said"we have found a real werewolf so werewolves are real and we ar-"Maikeru turned the tv off before anything else could be said and took a deep breath."which person from our pack do you think they caught?",Sara asked.Sara looked up at him."I have no idea",he said looking at her.They sat in silence for awhile again.Maikeru wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close."If it makes you feel better I don't think they caught anymore than one person",he said.Sara raised her eyebrows"Really?"Maikeru nodded."us werewolves are very fast and have great reflexes so it's hard to catch us."Maikeru smirked at Sara.Sara smiled slightly at him before yawning.Maikeru looked back at the tv."Maybe you should try to get some rest,you haven't slept much lately",he said as he turned the tv back on and put on a random show.Sara got up and went to her and Snow's room.She climbed into bed beside Snow and hugged her tightly.She then closed her eyes.After a few minutes Sara felt someone touching her shoulder.She woke up.She looked up.It was Maikeru."Sara,get some rest,it will make you feel better",he whispered and kissed her forehead.She gave a slight nod and fell back asleep.Maikeru got up and gently kissed Snow forehead before making his way towards the bedroom.He closed the door softly after himself.He crawled into bed and soon fell asleep.

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