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Humans and humans and live together but are at war
when this series started it was 1991-1992
Some humans are werewolf hunters

Werewolves:these people are usually in packs and have the power to transform into a beast when the full moon is out unless they are higher rank they can't transform at will

The pack ranks are the most important when making a werewolf story like the usual:

But i have a detailed pack list which is:
Ultima(strongest wolf to ever exist)
Zeta(wolf king)
Suprema(wolf queen)
Alpha male and female
Beta(second in command)
Sentinels(training to be alphas)
Normal wolves
Omegas(the weakest wolf)

The things that werewolves are weak to are:
Silver(any contact with skin can cause severe burns to the werewolf)
Wolfsbane(A herb that can be made into a liquid and it can stop the werewolf's abilities weaker and younger werewolves can be killed by Wolfsbane but it requires a high amount of it)

Powers when fully transformed:
Enhanced senses
Infectious bite(turn humans into wolfs)
Superior strength

Types of werewolves:
Theta(bitten by the alpha)
True alpha(when a werewolf is born from alphas)
Pure blood(child of the ultima)
Bitten(person who was bitten by a werewolf)
Normal(a born werewolf)
Rogue(left the pack or kicked out the pack)

Ancient artifacts:
Moon ring(greatly enhances powers)
Luna shard(when paired with a weapon makes the weapon unbreakable)
Crescent sword(The sword of the first werewolf)
Wolfrend(an axe that is capable to turn humans into werewolves but the turned people are very weak)

When full moon rises:every werewolf below the alphas go berserk and gain a tremendous amount of power

If a werewolf mates with a human:get both characteristics from both parents

If a high ranking werewolf mates with a human:a chance that the human will turn into a werewolf

Mates:Two werewolves find each other and if they are worthy for each other they will mark each other with a bite on the shoulder,hand,leg or neck

Heat(I think you know)
Mind link(when pack mates speak by telepathy)

First transformation:between the age 8-12 to mark that they are a proper werewolf

are a wolf
Enhanced senses
Being fast
Being muscular
Being in a pack

The "dog" insult can be used
Bad tempers(especially alphas)
Having a leader they are FORCED to listen to(unless they are the alpha,suprema,zeta,or above)

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