Chapter 3: what...was that...?

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Your head hurts.

Its pounding, instant pain- you double over, clutching your head; shutting your eyelids with all your strength. A stray tear escapes; you feel its warmth slide down and drip.


(You felt so cold.)

You don't know for how long you hunched over your stomach in the middle of someone's lawn, CA- but when you come to be, it feels like the pain went on for hours, even though you knew it probably barely had been a few seconds.

You knew; you knew from the way the sun still sparkled through Californian leaves, the questioning gaze of disdainful CA residents and their pet porgies on hand, and ah...

The void. And the pink-clad crazy lady.

They were gone too.

"Holy shit" you murmured. You rubbed your forehead, trying to calm down the lingering pain.

Holy shit indeed. Wha.. wHAt the fuck was that??

'A void,' your nonstop thoughts reactivated, and you were panicking once more. 'A rip in reality, a glitch in time and space continuum, a shadow of no discernable root/origin-'

A warped-ass blackhole that gave you a migraine the size of a peach.

And it was following that pink lady.

Now, you weren't the type to feel sorry- nor were you the type to rush into early death via heroism- but you couldn't help the churning in your gut; sympathy at the idea that the lady could be suffering the migraine you had just suffered.

Though, you couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.

Everyman for themselves, you mused, and completely moved on; trying to forget the lady. And just as you moved to ask some of those porgy-owners where tf you were--

You blacked out.

Aaaand found yourself in the middle of a bustling road; with yourself blocking the traffic.

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