🖤Chapter 1🖤

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Once this stranger came in my mouth, I immediately spit it out. I just met him today, there's no way in hell I'd swallow his baby gravy if he paid me extra. I've been on my knees far too many times in this alley for it to even bother me anymore. This was my job, this is how I supported myself.

" 30,000 for a blow, pay me now."

The man took his wallet out, shuffled for some cash and put the rest that he didn't plan on giving me back in his wallet, guys like this are funny when it comes to paying someone what they're owed, they wanna pay for sex from a prostitute and they expect to get it for free, that's not how this shit works. If there's one thing in this life you should avoid, it's messing with Iku Koyanagi and her money. He threw the money at me before spitting on me.

" Here's your money, whore."

I calmly wiped my cheek and flung the spit on to the ground. I can accept guys hitting me, I lowkey enjoy being hit, I can take being called a whore, I can take being called a slut, I'll even accept being called a cock swallowing cunt. But what I will NOT take is pompous male ASSHOLES who think they're better than me just because I'm a prostitute, last time I checked, you were the one paying a prostitute to give you head because you can't pick up bitches on your own. Spitting on me is where I draw the fucking line. I stood up and stared at him.

" What? What are you gonna do, whore? You got you got your- *COUGH*"

Without a second thought I stuck my arm through his chest and grabbed his heart, removing it from its place, he was gasping and coughing up blood, his insides were warm and squishy. I shoved my hand in deeper until I pulled my hand out along with his still beating heart, of course he instantly died as soon as I ripped his heart out. His body fell to the floor and he had that beautiful pained expression on his face, like he couldn't possibly imagine being being murdered by a prostitute.

" Damn. He chipped my goddamn nail..."

His heart stopped beating in my hand. I took the time to well, eat it. I ate his heart. I live off eating the hearts of pitiful men who think they're hot shit, keeps me young. Perks of my quirk I guess. I bent down to dig through his wallet and take whatever cash he had. I took a couple credit cards and I also noticed a picture of a couple of brats, guess those were his brats. Oh well, it's what he gets for thinking he's better than me. No one's gonna think twice about another dead guy found in an alley in the red light district, for everyone that works around here, that's just another Tuesday night. It was getting late and I was getting tired so I decided to head back to my shit apartment that I live in with my drug addicted roommates. I opened the front door and of course the first thing I was hit with was the smell of strong cocaine.

" *Sniff* Yo, Koyanagi, you wanna hit some of this?"

" I'll stick to my weed, thanks."

" You're such a pussy."

" Last time I snorted coke I almost jumped off a fucking cliff."

I moved some beer cans around and sat down on the couch and started flipping through tv channels, looking for something to watch.

" What's new with you?"

" Not much, killed a guy, ate his heart, robbed his corpse, Y'know, the usual."

" You gotta stop killing guys or you're not gonna have anymore clients."

" I have a reason for why I did it. He fucking spit on me and I wasn't gonna put up with that shit, that's for sure."

I took my boots off and put my feet up on the coffee table.

" Ya hear what happened earlier? Villains attacked those UA brats and like a shit ton of them got arrested. Respect the balls on them for trying though."

" What..?"

" Why do you sound like you give a shit, I thought you hated kids."

" I do. My kid sister goes to that school, dipshit, she wants to be a hero for some reason..."

" Gross."

" That's what I said when she told me that."

My sister doesn't like me, in fact she can't stand the sight of me. She hates how I followed in our mom's footsteps. Despite that, I still love my baby sister. So if I find out that during that she got hurt whatsoever, I'll find whatever villains were involved in that, tear their dicks off and watch dogs play tug of war with it.

" You seriously need a man, get you some consistent dick."

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before taking a puff from it.

" I don't need no fucking man. My mom raised me on her, a man didn't do shit for us. So why the fuck would I need one now? If you can find me a man that meets all my requirements and doesn't mind that I fuck other guys from time to time, then yeah, I'll consider it. The only person looking out for Iku Koyanagi is Iku Koyanagi."

Me? Need a man? Please... Men are cheap replaceable toys, once I get tired of one it's on to the next one, the only thing I need them for is sex, nothing more, that's all they want from me anyways. It's not like any of the actually would like me for my personality, I'm an unlovable bitch, with a hole right where my heart should be.

Til' Death Do Us Part {Dabi X OC Fuck Story}Where stories live. Discover now