Chapter: 15

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I buried my face into his chest and fisted his shirt, trying to contain myself.

"Betty wouldn't let anything hurt her I'm sure they're fine."

*Riza's POV*

"There's too many! When's backup gonna get here?" I threw my empty pistol at one of them and pulled another from my jacket.

"Hopefully soon. I must say," He snapped his fingers and burnt through several of their legs. "I'm shocked that you still carry around several fire arms."

"Just two. You never know what could happen, and I'm trained for this sort of thing."

"Yes, but after this I never want you to fight alongside me. Not while you're pregnant at least, I don't want to risk hurting the baby or the woman carrying it. It isn't worth it. From now on just let me take care of things." He glanced over at me.

"I promise, no more while I'm carrying the baby. But I can't guarantee afterwards."

"It's one thing if I get injured but the baby will need it's mother, Riza. Please, just don't fight anymore." He begged.

I threw my last, now empty pistol at them."Don't say that! Don't you ever say that, I refuse to let you die when I can help! I-"

"Riza, just listen!" He turned around and hugged me to his chest, still throwing flames at them. "For our family's sake, I need you to stop fighting. I have my men to help me and I know you're scared, but I'll be okay. I just want need you to stay safe for our child."

Several cars pulled up and the men jumped out and started shooting at them.

"Go for the legs!" Roy barked.

"Yes, sir!" They said in unison.

He pulled me away from everything and banged on the restaurant door we were previously in. They moved the things out from in front of it and opened the door, glad to see we were back and well.

He walked me inside then turned to leave.

"Please don't go where I can't follow." I gripped his jacket with my trembling fingers, lowering my head and letting out a big sob.

"I have to." He turned back to me.

"Why can't you just let me be there?" I cried.

"Because, I love you!" He took a deep breath and lifted up my chin. "I love you too much to put you in even more danger. You don't have to protect me anymore, I can handle it. You have someone else to protect." He playfully poked my stomach.

I wiped my eyes and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "I love you too. That's why this is so hard for me." I sniffled.

"I know, baby." He pulled away. "I have to go help but I'll be back. Don't worry." He turned away and so did I. As I made my way back to our table people watched me with sympathy.

"Riza," Marie said in a calming tone, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine, really." I patted her back and she released me.

"Are you sure?" Jeremy tilted his head. "Roy's a tough guy, he'll be alright, Riza." He wrapped an arm around me and held me in a half hug.

"Yeah, I know. I'm fine, really." I sat down and poked at my food. My appetite was no longer existent. I couldn't bare to listen to the gunshots any longer, shouldn't the Fuhrer be here in such a crisis? He shows up any other time.

"Who do you think is behind all of this?" Marie furrowed her eyebrows.

"I have an idea," I clenched my jaw. "It was probably the scientists. They're always finding new ways to mess things up, like the incident with the gigantic chimera."

"I heard about that, but why would they be trying to make... Zombies?" Jeremy questioned.

"I don't think they were supposed to be zombies. And if you get bitten you won't start acting like that, it isn't contagious." I glanced over to the guy with a bandage around his arm who winced in pain as a small boy, I presume is his son, poked it.

"They were supposed to be a brainless army who would do anything their commanding officer said. I remember a homunculi mentioned it once." I looked up at their confused faces.

"You- you've spoken to one?" Marie leaned forward.

"They have business with Roy, they say he's a sacrifice. Envy was over at our house just a week ago, he said the military was planning to replace the soldiers or something. I have no idea who told him about it, but I think it must've been Wrath."

"Who is that?" Jeremy knitted his eyebrows together.

"I feel it's best if you don't know." I sighed. "It would only put you in danger, I'm sorry."

"Well, you might as well not even mentioned it then. You know how rude that is?" He whined.

I remained silent and for the first time, the gunshots stopped. I watched the door and the window, waiting for Roy's arrival.


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