Avni breathed in deeply, "No, I am. I'm ready."

"Good. How's school?"

"Pretty much the same since the last time we talked. Not much changes there- no matter how bad I wished it did."

"Change doesn't just happen, beta 1," her mom said. "Kuch karna padta hai 2."

"Hmm," Aryan nodded pointedly. Avni shook her head at him.

"You can't even change your hair, Dada. It's been the same since first grade."

He flipped her off the second their mother turned around.

"What about this term's musical?" Avni's mom asked. "What is it this time?"

"High School Musical."

"Hmm?" She looked confused.

"Umm, it's a Disney movie from the 2000s- it was kind of ground breaking. I play Sharpay."

"Is it a big role?"

"It's big enough."

She nodded, "Do you have scenes with the Caswell's kid again?"

"Not really."

"Hmm then I might try to come."


EJ's name flashed across Avni's screen as she sat in the waiting area at Julliard, watching people audition through the tiny TV, feeling increasingly nauseous.

She excused herself to a corner, she didn't want her mother listening in- whose presence brutally limited her vocabulary.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey," his voice came. "How's New York?"

"Haven't been out and about yet- but honestly, it's huge. And busy," she said. She tried her best to keep her voice level.

"Are you okay?" he asked, seeing right through her act.

She breathed out, "I- no."

"What's going on?"

"I'm at Julliard and I have to audition in ten minutes and I'm freaking out," she said really fast.

"You're at Julliard?" he sounded surprised.

"Yeah, I applied before the semester started."

"Oh wow- that's big."

"Not helping, EJ."

"You're going to be fine," he said slowly. She could almost see his piercing green eyes.

"What if I'm not? What if-" she glanced back to see if her mom was watching. She wasn't. "What if I tank it?" she whispered.

"Avni, when's the last time you tanked a performance?"

Avni didn't reply.

"Exactly. The biggest thing it takes to give a great performance is taking control of your nerves- you know this. You've done this before, and I know you- you've probably rehearsed this to death. Just trust yourself, go out there, and do your best, yeah? Trust the process, that's what Miss Jenn says."

Avni closed her eyes, centring herself. "Thanks, Melty Elty."

"For fucks sake, Avni- let's not start that up again."

Avni laughed.

"It's not funny! You know that's the only reason I started going by EJ, right?"

"Yeah, I was there," Avni grinned. "Though it's not my fault your parents named you Elton."

EJ laughed at that.

"So, how's your Thanksgiving so far?" Avni asked him.

"It's pretty cool. Ashlyn's was entertaining."


"Yeah, Carlos made us play this High School Musical inspired board game he made up when he was younger, and it was actually really fun. And Gina won, by the way. It was nice."

"Ooh, sounds amazing. I'm having major FOMO right now."

EJ laughed, "Well that's ironic, because I missed you- so-"

Oh my god, did he actually just say that?

"I'll let you get back to your audition," EJ said. "Break a leg."



Avni sat on her bed and dialled Ricky first, but he didn't pick up, so she called EJ instead.

He picked up on the first ring. "How'd it go?" he asked, without saying hello first.

She laughed, "I think it went okay."

"So it went perfectly then? You're always way too hard on yourself."

She smiled, "Thank you," she said. "For earlier."

"Are you kidding? Anytime."

She smiled again.

"There's something you should know," he said. "I didn't want to tell you before because I thought it would mess with your audition, but Gina's mom called last night to tell her that they had to move again."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah. I knew you guys were friends, or united by a common enemy or whatever, so I figured you'd wanna know."

"Yeah, I- wow. I can't believe it," she paused. "Leaving seems to be the trend nowadays."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first it was my mom, then my brother- though that was always in the cards- then Ricky's mom, now Gina?"

"I'm sorry."

"I'll be fine- it'll roll off my back soon enough."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."


Avni was silent for a beat. "My mom's kind of- she doesn't really leave the intense lawyer persona back in her intense lawyer firm, you know? And I miss her tough love around the house, Dad's a bit too easy-going. But now that I'm here, I don't know what to say or do. I'm happy to see her of course, but- I don't know."

"I get it, you miss your mom, but you don't necessarily miss Asha."

"Exactly! Does that just make me selfish? Like I just miss her when I need her?"

"Maybe? How does it matter? It's what you feel- it doesn't need validation."

"Damn, Mr. Caswell. When did you get so therapist-y?"

He snorted, "Excuse me, I've always been therapist-y. On a completely unrelated note, I know we said we'd try to be less obsessed over other people's love lives, but we never really made it into a resolution, so-"

"Spill the tea, Elty."

"Stop with that. Also, I think Ashlyn may have a thing for Big Red."

Avni's mouth fell agape. "Oh my god."

"Yeah, I know."

She laughed, "This is- wow. Now that I think about it, they'd actually make a great couple."

"He might have to learn how to read."

Avni laughed.


Today, 11: 30 pm: Missed call from Ricky

Oh, c'mon!



1 - child

2- you have to do something about it.

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