The Two Second Cousins Meet

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"I know my mother could care-less if your older brother had a title or property if she knew that your older brother loved my little sister." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

"One day you will make your dear father, who was my second cousin once removed, very proud of you." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

"Titles, property, don't make happiness." Lady Elizabeth explains, " I think they bring us more misery."

"Listen here, Lady Karissa Ann. I want you to play nicely with your cousins." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

"Mama. He is a scrawny little boy.'"Lady Karissa Ann tells her mother.

"You are just a spoiled little lady." Lady Elizabeth tells her " Your father and I have pampered and spoiled you since the day you were born."

"I am telling you. No more I will pamper and spoil you and treat you any different from your brother and sister." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

"You have a choice, You may continue to play out here in the garden with your brother and sister and cousins, or stand in the corner in your suite until you apologize to Lord Frederick William IV." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

Lady Karissa Ann looks at her mother " I guess I will play with my little sister and Lady Mary Henrietta. I won't play with the boys mama." Lady Karissa Ann tells her.

"I can't make you play with them if you don't want to, but later on you may regret it.' Lady Elizabeth tells her.

Lady Karissa Ann walks over to the swing in the garden and she stands on the swing and Lord Frederick William IV walks over to her and he gets on the swing with her and before they both realize it they actually enjoy each other's company in the garden at Wessex Manor.

"I am sorry that I hurt your feelings, Cousin Lord Frederick William IV." Lad Karissa Ann tells him.

"You are much better than your older brother, Lord William Frederick." Lady Karissa Ann admits.

"I don't care if you have a title or property as they are only material things." Lady Karissa Ann tells him.

"I can always ask my mother to make you a Duke or even a Marquess." Lady Karissa Ann tells him.

When Lady Elizabeth and Lady Mary Henrietta walk into the garden they are amazed to see their children playing with each other on the swing laughing and having a good time.

Lady Karissa Ann walks up to her mother " Mama. Can't you find a title for Lord Frederick William IV?" Lady Karissa Ann asks.

"I am sure I can find Lord Frederick William a title and property on Star-Base 12, I think I need to ask Lord Frederick William III and Lady Mary Henrietta what they think?" Lady Elizabeth tells Lady Karissa Ann.

Lord Frederick William III is overcome with emotion and he tells Lady Elizabeth " Your dear father created me Duke of Windsor Territory and he reinstated my grandfather back into the family."

"I will leave it up to Lady Mary and you if you want Lord Frederick William IV to have a title and property." Lady Elizabeth tells her cousin, Lord Frederick William III.

"I do have The Earldom of Hertford open and it needs representation." Lady Elizabeth tells Lord Frederick William III.

"You will need to be regent until Lord Frederick William IV becomes 18 year old." Lady Elizabeth explains.

"I am sure Lord Thomas William Howard will be happy to co-regent with you." Lady Elizabeth explains.

Happily, Lord Frederick William III accepts the Earldom for Lord Frederick William Howard IV and Lady Karissa Ann is happy that her second cousin, Lord Frederick William is given a title and property.

Lady Karissa Ann Howard, 2nd Duchess of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now