The Two Second Cousins Meet

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Lady Karissa Ann gathers up her little brother, Lord Richard Edward IV, and her little sister, Lady Suzanne Virginia along with Lord Frederick William, Lady Mary Henrietta and Lord William Frederick and they all head out for the garden at Wessex Manor.

All the little boys start to play together and Lady Karissa Ann plays with the little girls in the garden, but Lady Karissa Ann decides to swing in the swing and Lord Frederick William IV walks over to her wear she is sitting on swing and he looks at her and asks "Why don't you like me cousin, Lady Karissa Ann. We are cousins.?"

"I never said I didn't love you as a cousin as I must because my grandmother told me that family is important and I am named for the greatest grandmother in the world." Lady Karissa Ann tells Lord Frederick William IV.

"My little sister is named for our grandmother, Lady Susan Virginia." Lady Karissa Ann tells her cousin.

"I know that I am my father's second son, Lady Karissa but I think I am just as good as my older brother, Lord William Frederick and I was named for my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather." Lord Frederick William IV tells her.

"Your great-grandfather is my great-great-great-grandfather." Lady Karissa Ann explains.

"My grandfather is Lord Andrew Charles Howard, and my great-father was Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and my great-great-grandfather was Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and my great-great-great-grandfather was Lord Frederick William Howard." Lady Karissa Ann tells him.

"We are second cousins twice removed." Lady Karisa Ann tells Lord Frederick Williams IV.

"My father is two months older than your grandfather by two months." Lord Frederick William IV states.

"My grandfather is The Duke of Westminster Territory and Viscount of Fairfax Territory." Lady Karissa tells Lord Frederick William IV.

"My father is Duke of Windsor Territory." Lord Frederick William IV tells her.

"I am the future Duchess of Norfolk Territory." Lady Karissa Ann tells him.

"I am just my father and mother's second son, and my little sister and I come with no title but Lord and Lady ." Lord Frederick William IV tells her.

Lord Richard Edward IV walks over " Lady Karissa. I am telling mama and papa that you are bragging." Lord Richard Edward IV tells his eldest sister.

Lord Richard Edward IV calls out "Mama! Mama! Come out into the garden."

Lady Elizabeth hears her son cry out and she excuses herself and walks out of Wessex Manor and into the garden and asks " What is wrong Lord Richard Edward IV.?"

"Mama. Lady Karissa was bragging about being Duchess of Norfolk Territory and making Lord Frederick William feel bad." Lord Richard Edward IV tells his mother.

Lady Elizabeth is much like her father, Lord Andrew Charles and she looks at her eldest daughter " What have I told you about that bragging, Lady Karissa Ann?"

"Being Duchess of Norfolk is not a piece of cake to govern." Lady Elizabeth tells Lady Karissa Ann.

"You are only ten years old and I have only been Duchess for eleven years." Lady Elizabeth tells her " You were four years old when I became Duchess."

"What would your dear grandmother think about how you hurt your second cousin?" Lady Elizabeth asks her daughter.

"Your dear grandmother hated being an aristocrat." Lady Elizabeth tells her "She married into it but we were born into it."

"I wish that your father and I hadn't been born into it either, but we were." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

"Lord Frederick William Howard IV. You are just as good or not even better than your older brother. I don't know how my mother and father feel about your older brother marrying my little sister." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

Lady Karissa Ann Howard, 2nd Duchess of Norfolk TerritoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora