two Familys now? (6)

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,,Tommy.. Tubbo.. the truth is that Tommy is a part of the taken family" Techno said and they were both shocked

,,wait-how!?" Tubbo asked 

,,I knew your Parents far back , we were best friends and they wanted to have a family. After they had Dream everything was fine but then your mother was pregnant with Tommy while your Father was really sick with an illness (idk man) so after getting Tommy they begged us to take him and we agreed. After a year she was pregnant again , with you Tubbo , and after your Fathers death and having you she wanted us to take you too but Dream didnt let that happen" Phil explained and laughed a bit at the end

,,yea they already gave Tommy away without me knowing where he was or why i didnt get to meat him and they lied to me that he was dead. When Mom got you i was in the hospital with her and she told me the truth and that she wanted to give you to them too , i trust them of course , but i couldnt give my brother away knowing they already gave one away so i had her promise to me that she will keep you if i help" Dream contiuned explaining

,,thats- way to much information to take in at the moment" Tommy mumbled and Tubbo agreed with a small ,yea'

,,why didnt you get me back when you found out? and what happened to ,Mom' " Tommy asked 

,,She died when Tubbo was Five and i was 13 i think , i did want to get you back but when i visited once i saw how happy you were with Techno and Wilbur so i didnt and we made a deal that we will stay in contact and tell you in the future" Dream answered and Tommy sighed

,,i-thats way to much right now" Tommy laughed to himself

,,My best friend is my older brother?" Tubbo asked after thinking about everything for a bit while everyone was silent 

,,yea" Techno laughed and Tubbo jumped on Tommy so they both fell down on the floor

,,Tubbo!!" Tommy yelled laughing

,,I knew it!! I told you we were family somehow!!" Tubbo yelled with a smile and Tommy contiuned to laugh

,,what do you mean you knew!?" Wilbur asked shocked 

,,we're not dumb , I noticed how Tommy didnt look anything like any of you and put two and two togheter when i saw how Tommy looked a bit to much like our mother" Tubbo shrugged

,,he really did but i didnt believe him telling him that Phil is my Father" Tommy laughed 

,,wow-" They all said at once and Tommy laughed even more now.

,,but.. you're not mad at us right?" Dream asked

,,huh? oh ehm.." Tommy began to struggle with words and just stayed silent for a bit worrying everyone around  him

,,i am mad a little bad that you didnt tell me but i can also just forgive but not forget" Tommy shrugged 

,,I knew i wasnt Phils biological son for a long time , for what? maybe 2-3 years i was thinking about it i think. because since tubbo had told me that i started to think about it and at first i didnt believe it but now its like .. confusing and shit?" Tommy chuckled 

,,whatever , anyways i have a quewstion now" Tommy said

,,what is it Toms?" Wilbur asked

,,does this mean i have two familys now or do i have to decide?.." Tommy said quietly but everyone heard him

,,you have two familys i'd say , right everyone?" Techno said and everyone agreed. 

from that day on they were all like one family even if they were two different familys but for tommy and tubbo they did many things togheter and chose to call themself one big family. 

the end :)

i know this isnt that much better than the original end but i like to think it makes more sense than the other one , please go read the original story from this and tell me wich end you think is better :) have a nice day/night/afternoon or whatever! <3 and remember to take care of yourselfs!

,,TUBBO YOU LITTLE SHIT! WHY DID YOU DYE MY HAIR!?" Tommy yelled and ran around chasing the laughing tubbo

,,now we're all matching you dumbass!" Tubbo laughed 

,,WITH PINK!? why pink out of all colours you could have chosen!?" Tommy said out of breath and they stopped running catching their breath

,,eh idk" Tubbo shrugged and tommy was back to chasing him.

,,yep.. like a big family" Wilbur laughed and the others laughed with him while watching the two run around. 

Tommyinnit Wing Au (Dream & Tommy Brother Au) Rewritten!!Where stories live. Discover now