Hello, Father

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Loki appears beside his brother at the top of the Avenger's tower and the supers there stand up, weapons at the ready. Loki raises his eyebrows as Thor stands in front of his brother.

"Ah, my friends, Loki is good now. I promise. It's been years since the attack on New York, and he has changed his ways." Thor explains to them. He looks at his little brother and nods. Loki sighs. 

"I'm sorry. For everything." He apologizes half-heartedly. "And hello, Wanda." It isn't said rudely, but it's not said kindly either. He hasn't seen her since the day Vladislava was born. He's not entirely sure how this will go. Or how to feel about the lady.

"Hello, Loki." She says, sounding rather sarcastic. They put up their weapons and sit back down, seeming to be fine with Thor's statement. Loki looks at him and he shrugs with a smile. Oh well. Wanda doesn't acknowledge her ex as she sits down next to Vision, the red ghost guy. He shrugs and is about to sit down when they hear childish laughter echo outside the door. 

Suddenly, the door opens, and a girl with blond hair and brown eyes is leaning on a boy with brown hair and eyes, laughing. Both looked to be around sixteen. They seem so happy and lost in their moment that they barely notice the people in the room. Loki thinks they might be dating. Because the last time I saw a boy look at a girl that way was when his brother looked at Jane before he moved on. The boy was most definitely in love with that blond.

The girl with blond hair was wearing a green super outfit that reminds him of Sif's armor. And the boy's wearing a red, blue, and black costume with a spider symbol on his chest. 

Thor smiles brightly as they stop, noticing Loki. "Brother, this is the man of spiders, Peter Parker. And that is the Vixen, Zipporah Romanoff." He introduces and Loki gives a slight bow. Thor leans in to whisper that "They're both from New York." Loki's eyebrows shoot up.

He clears his throat. "Oh, well, hello. I'm Loki, and I'm sorry for-"

"Don't be," Peter cheers as he runs up and hugs Loki. He stands there awkwardly, giving the boy a strange look as Peter pulls back. "It's not your fault, and if you're here, then you're good. Or learning to be! Which we would totally love to help you with." He chuckles. Loki most definitely has the age right.

This is a child right here. A very sweet and innocent child.

Loki chuckles and then sees that the girl has moved closer. He grabs her hand, kissing it kindly. "Pleasure to meet you, young Vixen." She smiles. "And it's Romanoff like Natasha Romanoff, correct?" He inquires.

"Yes. She's my daughter." The Black Widow answers. Loki furrows his eyebrows and look between them. The only trait they had in common was their peach skin. "She's adopted." Natasha says casually and he nods.

"Ah." Loki breathes. "Makes sense."

"Do you like grilled cheese? Because I make an amazing one." Zipporah offers, sounding rather excited. She knows her father didn't want her but if he's here, she can at lest ask him why he gave her up. Maybe she made a mistake. She sincerely hopes she did. "Just come in the kitchen and I'll make you one."

"Oh. Well thank you, but I'm-" Thor hits his arm, cutting Loki off, and nods towards the blond. If he wants to show he changed, the least he can do is just let her make him something. Plus the girl is rarely this open to strangers. When he met her, it took him over a month to finally get her to speak to him. 

"Her sandwiches are really good." Natasha urges. He sighs and waves his hand towards the door.

"Famished. I'd love one." Loki amends. She practically bounces with joy as she goes towards the kitchen and he glare at his brother.

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