New Beginnings

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That ngiht, Natasha braids Zipporah's hair in her room. "So what really happened earlier with you and Loki?"

"He learned I was Vladislava, but didn't believe me at first." She explains. Her mom nods, not responding as she finishes the braid. "Mom, I think I'm ready to tell the Avengers the truth." Zipporah turns around to see Natasha look shocked.

"Are you sure?" Natasha is happy that she won't have to keep that secret, but she's still uneasy about him reconnecting to her. She said that he had kicked her out. 

The girl hesitates but nods. "Yeah. Apparently, it was Odin who had kicked me out. Loki said that he actually wanted me back. And... I think it'd be easier to get him back as a father if we tell them the truth."

Natash sighs. "If that's what you think," she whispers. She's not exactly scared that the girl will leave her, but she is afraid of losing her. Her and Loki have each been her parents but separately. Not co-parenting together. She's scared that the girl might prefer to Asgard to Earth, or...

Loki to her.

"Mom, I'm not going to move to Asgard or anything, I promise." The girl promises the parent. "I have to protect my home. And be with Peter. And I still wnat to stay with you and the Avengers. I just also want to see Grandma Frigga and Aunt Sif again. But I promsie that I'm not choosing families." She gives her mom a tight hug. 

Natasha sighs, hugging back. "I know, baby."

The next day, Ziiporah makes an announcement to the other Avengers. She had talked about it the night before with Natasha and Loki, and they agreed that it was okay.

"So what's up, kid?" Tony asks as he walks in with a cup of coffee and sits down. "What's your Earth shaking announcement?"

Zipporah side glances her parents and Natasha nods towards them with an encouraging smile. "Okay." She takes a deep breath and releases her illusion. Her hair turns black and her eyes turn blue. "My name is Princess Vladislava of Asgard, and... I'm Loki's daughter."

Everyone stares in surprise. "Loki's-" Wanda cut off. "Wait, you're my daughter?" Now, everyone looks at her. "Me and Loki used to date. I gave birth to a daughter. And that was Vladislava."

"Yes, that it was," Loki agrees as he places his hand on said girl's shoulder. "Told you she was beautiful." Zipporah smiles, and to Loki's surprise, so does Wanda. Wanda nods in agreement. Thor was a little angry that she didn't tell him sooner, but he was also happy that he got his niece back. Peter thought it was the coolest thing ever.

She continued her life like normal, getting close to all three of her parents. Zipporah never went back to Asgard, but she did go to college to be an architect. Peter became a technological engineer, working for Stark Industries.

When her and Peter graduated college, they got married, and lived a wonderful life with their two kids. Two twin boys. One posses a few of Zipporah's abilities, the other possesses Peter's. The two parents continue to be supers, and when their kids got older, they became supers as well.

Zipporah loved her life, and she actually found herself thanking that guard who brought her to Earth. If he never did, she never would've met any of her new family.





A/N: Sorry this one is so short. I hoped you liked the story! I am also so sorry that you had to struggle to read that. I just looked back on it and that was such a terribly-written story. I apologize so much. 

Daughter of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora