"He did what?" Another voice spoke

Regulus froze on spot, so did his best friend but his brother had a face that shows he seemed to recognise the voice but wasn't sure,. All three of them turned hesitantly again to look at who it was and stood still for awhile before letting out the breath all of them was holding in relief



Regulus and Sirius said while Barty was trying to speak but couldn't.

"You were too loud, I can even hear what you were saying so clearly meters away so...." Remus mumbled something and Barty said "you used silencio on me!"

"Yes" Remus admitted not so interested in that. Both Black brothers couldn't help but laugh at this, Remus used silencio on Barty just because he was too loud and was indifference about it, he was too interested in Regulus' story

"kissed?" Remus asked looking straight at Regulus

"Yes moony! He kissed Prongs!" Sirius whisper yelled

"Can you believe it? Regulus Black kissed James Potter?!" Barty whisper yelled following Sirius' tone

"I was not talking to either of you" Remus looked at the both of them sternly before looking at Regulus

"So um you kissed James?" Remus asked again just because he wants to hear it from the person who is actually involved and not from the two crackheads there with them

Regulus cleared his throat and nodded while looking at the ground, all shy and embarrassed

"So that explains Prongs state yesterday night" Remus said and chuckled, to which Regulus blushed a little and Sirius was looking all giddy when he heard Remus chuckled suddenly

"No, I get that Regulus here is shy and all but what's with you getting all excited and blushing Sirius?" Barty asked raising an eyebrow. Now all eyes were on Sirius, Regulus smirked knowingly, while Remus and Barty was confused by this.

"Em- em nothing it- it's just that- um" Sirius was stuttering, "he's just being all giddy for someone, like boyfriend-to-be Barty, it's none of our business" Regulus said which made Sirius blush even harder and Remus was still confused "boyfriend-to-be?" he questioned

"Yeah Remus, don't you know Sirius wanted to-" Regulus was cut off by Sirius closing his mouth with his hands

"He's just talking about me talking to Prongs, Moony" Sirius said, "but boyfriend-" Remus was cut off "that was about his desire to be Prongs boyfriend you know" Sirius said quickly and Regulus open his eyes wide open in disbelief

"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way-" Remus was again cut off but this time by Barty who was excited "Oh really?! Finally my best friend is going to end his being single-forever life?!"

Regulus pushed Sirius' hands away and looked at the older Black and his best friend "what the hell are you guys blabbering about?!"

"About you being boyfriend to none other than James Potter" Sirius said and Barty nodded quickly, while Remus stood there witnessing it while slightly pressing his temples that started to hurt

"I don't know what gave you all the idea, but I'm sorry to say this, that it is not gonna happen" Regulus said sternly

"What?" Sirius asked

"It's not gonna happen Sirius"

"But you kissed him!" Barty said looking at Regulus like he was dumb


"You kissed him!" Barty repeated it again like Regulus didn't hear it before

"I did but it was nothing" Regulus said not looking at anyone

"You admitted to me that you did it because, because you wanted to show him you care!" Sirius said with a slight hint of anger

"Yes I did but that doesn't mean I will want to be in a relationship with him" Regulus said coldly

"You like him!" Sirius said

"Yes" Regulus admitted

"So why?!" Sirius asked with his most calmest tone he could use with his boiling anger

"I don't want to-" Regulus was cut off by Sirius "You don't want to? You are saying you don't want to?! After what you did?! Do you even get it that what you did, actually could have gave hope to him?!"


"No don't stop me now! Don't! Are you even hearing what he is saying Remus?" Sirius asked and Remus was stunned that Sirius called him by his given name so seriously after so long and he doesn't know how or what to react

"Huh? Are you guys listening to what he is saying now?! Is he insane?! He did everything and now he doesn't want it! It's like he's not taking responsibility for what he started at all!" Sirius now was so mad and was staring at his brother who was not looking at anyone and had his back face to them.

"Sirius, calm down we can talk" Barty said now concerned about what was going to happen, they were all laughing just a moment ago and now the brothers are going to get into an argument which seems to be big.


"Pads calm down" Remus tried to hold Sirius' shoulder but he got pushed away by Sirius

"No moony, I need to actually understand this, one minute he was all head over heels for Prongs and wanted to show him he cares and all and now he doesn't want to be with him? I mean if he didn't want to he shouldn't have done anything at all first of all! What he's saying now is total bullshit!" Sirius was fuming

"Everyone will hear pads, we are in an open space, lower your voice!" Remus whispered sternly

"Let them then!" Sirius said not caring about it at all, what he cares now was Regulus and his dumb answer.

"I'm waiting for your explanation Regulus Black" Sirius exclaimed in anger

But there was no any response from Regulus for few minutes. Sirius lost his temper, he grabbed Regulus by his shoulder turning him around harshly "I need an explanation Regu-" he stopped mid sentence after looking at his brother's state.

He was crying.

"I'm getting the mark Siri" was all Regulus said before he ran off into the castle while wiping his tears away, leaving everyone stunned before Barty looked around seeing Sirius who stood there not moving and Remus with a worried look. He then nodded to Remus before going after Regulus.

Hye guys, I hope you all are doing good! I'm hoping all of you are still enjoying the story. I just wanted to say that since my new semester started, I couldn't find time writing on time and all. My updates might be late sometimes, I just hope you all understand that and do wait patiently and I apologize for it too.

Thank you for those who are reading this story until this and waiting for updates, it really means alot to me❤️

Hope you all have a good day ahead~

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