Chapter 7

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TW// there is a lot of blood in this chapter. Also impalment. If this is uncomfortable for you please be careful reading

Someone was still inside Leonard's home. And he had seen and recorded everything.
Well, everything outside at least. The weird shadow-portal thing, Bob transforming from blob to... human? He didn't even know if he could call that human. Their eyes were shadowed, and their hands were still black and mitten-like. It was more than bizarre.
Shuttle hid in the shadows of his room, waiting some time before he decided to look over the footage he had recorded on his phone. He was waiting until he was sure that Bob guy was gone. After all, if they knew he had jsut seen what they had done? The same could happen to him.


It was about an hour now. Shuttle had admittedly fallen asleep for a moment while he waited. But once he realized Bob was definetly not here anymore, he pulled out his phone and watched over the footage...

Christ... it was them all along, wasn't it? It's always the ones that come off as sweet and innocent, isn't it? And now he's taken most of his family. Shuttle just sat there. He sat there with his back against the wall, hugging his beloved blue racquet for comfort as he watched the footage over. And over. And over.

It was like watching a murder documentary almost. Except these qere real events unfolding. And he didn't even know if his cousin was now dead. All he knew was that Bob had managed to lure Leonard along, leading him to that weird portal before making a comment and pushing him in.

Was that portal still out there?

He quickly went back to the window from which he was recording and peeked out. Nothing. Everything looked as if Bob never even showed up. Clever kid. Covering his tracks like that.

So many questions continued to run through the white and green-haired man's mind. The biggest one being...

"What am I going to do?"

HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN FALLING??? It felt like it's been hours. He couldn't see anything more while he was falling. Everything around him was entirely black from darkness.

At least that's what he had thought. He was dreaming it seemed, as he suddenly woke up on the ground. His body sprawled out on the ground. He pulled himself up, and rubbed his head groaning.

Already he noticed something different. He's bald. And his face is much smoother than usual. The stubble he had on his chin just before being pushed into that shadow was now all gone.

"Who the fuck shaves a man while he's unconcious..?" He grumbly asked himself. Unfortunately he did not recieve an answer.

As he removed his hand from his head, he caught glimpse of it. Where the fuck were his fingernails? And his fifth finger. And the coloration.. dudes pale as hell now. Leonard's brow furrowed at this sight. As he decided to take a look at the rest of him. Right. Of course this was gonna happen. It happened to Bob (or at least he SAID it did). It assumably happened to Ron. Why wouldn't it happen to Leonard too.

"You've gotta be shitting me right now..." Leonard grumbled to himself once he took a look around, making an assumption of the next change.
Everything was much bigger than him. Sure, the scenery around him looked like some weird-ass purple tinted forest for some reason, but it all looked a lot bigger than it shouldve. Leonard pulled himself up as his eyes darted towards his knife pouch. Yeah, that thing was too big to casually hang on his belt now. Though he could still make it work. After all, hes pretty much defenseless without his knife.

He grabbed the strap that would typically be tied to his belt, and tied it to himself. Fitting the knife onto him like a single-strap backpack. He didn't care about how easy he could get it out right now. Shockingly to the now little man, it wasn't too heavy to him. In fact, it felt just as heavy as it did before he got here. How convenient.

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