Chapter 6

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Leonard stared at the... thing before him. This weird blob-lookin thing. In all honesty, it looked like an oversized marshmallow with a ribbon.

"Uhh." Leonard uttered as he rubbed his eyes. Damn it, was he starting to hallucinate or something?

"Mr Manfred- please. I-i had nowhere else to to find help-"

"Hold on- hold the fuck on.." He was about to close the door, before the blob quickly stopped the door.


The very mention of his son snapped Leonard's attention back onto the blob. His eyes widened as he slowly opened the door again and looked down at the blob.

"How do you know my son? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Golly you yell pretty loud- i-" Bob started as he gripped his scarf, "Ron and I were both taken by some weird.. thing. It's hard to explain- uh.."

"So let me get this straight.." Leonard began.

He had brought this thing, who was apparently that Bob kid Ron was going to meet up with before he disappeared, into his home to talk about this. As of now he was standing across from them, as they were curled up on the couch.

"You were waiting around for Ron, when you heard him screaming. So you ran into the room you heard him from, and saw some.. deformed shadow creature thing?"


"And then it saw you and took you too."


"And now you're this weird blob thing..."


"And Ron's..."

"He's-" Bob quickly interrupted, "He's still in that other world. He was about tonescape with me! But that shadow grabbed him again- i-i couldn't save him! So I figured...

I-i figured you'd be able to help? Yknow- someone with more than just arms right now."

Leonard looked at Bob. It was clear when he first saw them, they.. definetly seemed to only have their arms when it came to their limbs.

"No shit I'm gonna help- my son's out there!

Wait how the fuck are we even supposed to get there-"

"That thing probably knows I'm gone. I-I think it might be after me.. so...

I guess I'm bait? Like- it'll find me when it's all dark and stuff, and if you just so happen to see it, maybe it'll grab you too! Then it'll drag us back to its world, we'll find Ron, find a way out again, problem solved!"

Leonard took a moment to think. Was it just him, or did Bob come up with that idea... eerily quick? Acting like they knew exactly what the nature of that thing was. Of course, this could easily be brushed off as them and Ron being stuck in this things world all this time.
But what about-

"What do you think? Good idea, right??"

Leonard's thoughts were interrupted. Bob expected an answer. "Yeah- sure kid."

"Yippee!" The blob unintentionally did a TBH creature voice in excitement.


Night had quickly approached. And Leonard had a weird feeling about all of this.

"Why did we need to turn out the lights again?" He asked the blob next to him, "I thought we were trying to get it's attention, not make it think no one's home."

"That's how it gets its victims." Bob started, "just like it did with me and Ron, I think it usually lures its victims into someplace dark, and uses the darkness to drag them into his world.."

"Its a he?" Leonard raised a brow

"Oop- I meant It. My bad."

"Uh-huh..." He wasn't going to worry too much on that weird mis-speak.


Neither of them came up with any more topics of discussion as they waited. The sun was setting slowly, allowing the house to get even darker. Leonard's eyes darted around the living room, where he and bob waited for that monster to show up. Opposing Bob's visual anxiety over the situation, Leonard was doing his best to remain calm. Like come on, this isn't gonna be that scary. He's a grown man. He can take on the thing that put one of his sons in danger. He has to.

Bob looked around. On the ceiling, along the ground, under tables,
"I don't see it yet..." They whispered.

"What does 'it' even look like?" Leonard whispered back.

"All I know for sure is that it looked like a shadowy figure.. I couldn't see all of the details- it--" while Bob 'nervously' stammered, he was suddenly cut off by a noise. He fake-jumped in surprise. "WHAT WAS THAT"

"IT PROBABLY???" Leonard pulled his pocket knife from his belts pouch. He was weird for keeping his knife in a pouch-thing, but his sweatpants didn't have pockets for some ungodly reason. So this had to do. Bob quickly grabbed the knife from him.

"Don't try- you can't physically touch it."

Leonard squinted at Bob as he stuffed the knife back in the pouch. The noise continued. It was coming from outside.

The two looked at each other, and then at the back door.

"It knows you're here, right?"

Bob didn't answer. They instead approached the door carefully.
"I'll go on- uh- you'll know when to come out, right?"

Leonard began walking carefully towards the door, avoiding any tripping hazards. It was still pretty dark inside after all.

"Hey wait a minute- I thought we were gonna wait in here for that damn thing??"

"Its out there! I knew it was gonna do this!!" Bob didn't stick around inside for long, as he reached up at the handle, turned the knob, and quickly went outside. The noises stopped for a moment, only to continue again.

"Jesus christ.." Leonard uttered to himself as he soon followed...

No one was there.

Leonard closed the door behind him, and shifted his gaze around the back yard. No Bob... no creature... weird black spot in the center of his yard..


What was that?

He stared at the spot for a couple of seconds, and then looked around for a source of the potential shadow. There wasn't anything in the sky. There was nothing new on his roof to be casting that shadow. He assumed at least, it had to be pretty big to project a shadow of this size. It almost looked big enough to lay in and be one with the darkness... or whatever poetic crap someone could write about it.

Leonard stepped closer to get a better look, even beginning to stick his hand in the shadowy area.

He felt a force on his back.

"Oh. I thought I was gonna have to drag you in screaming myself! Then again I did leave this out here with no explanation.. just for you to find.."

That voice.. Leonard began to turn his head to face whatever was behind him, only for that force to push harder, now causing him to fall into the shadow. It actually startled him how deep this actually was.. or was this really a hole all along?! He didn't know now and it was too late to ask. He managed to get a glimpse at the person as he fell.

That kid..?

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