A Dangerous Truth

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If you asked anyone from the Pines family if they would be attending Bill Cipher's wedding a couple years ago, they'd laugh in your face. The thought of Bill marrying anyone would've just been too absurd. Yet, here they are, on Summerween, dressed in their seasonal costumes in hushed excitement. It's just the Pines, Soos, Melody, and Fiddleford playing as the priest. A real priest would never wed a demon, so we had to make due.

Bill hangs at the entrance of the Hootenanny Shack's garden. Life has been an adjustment for him in the last couple years. Ethics are difficult for him to grasp as a concept, but everyone were shocked when they learned he was trying. Hell, the entire town of Gravity Falls slowed down for a day when he managed to find out what "chaotic neutral" is, and it could be used for some new anti-hero hobby of his. Bill has changed a lot. Perhaps that is what is so frightening to him about this whole "marriage" thing.

Bill's costume is of who he used to be. A long brick-patterned coat with a suit that screams "classical conman" along with an eyepatch covering his left eye and bowtie. Bill tried his best to include a triangle motif, and anyone would agree that he looks quite handsome dressing up as himself. The soft sounds of Mabel's playlist swoons over the air. Some songs are conventionally romantic, some fit the mood, and others are hand-picked by Bill and his spouse-to-be. You can tell when Bill chose a song when there is a girly voice preaching about creativity.

It is time for him to make his appearance, he's holding up the party that he's actually there for. Bill makes his bowtie just oh-so slightly crooked, pray to Axolotl that Mabel won't notice and fix it, then walk forward. Bill's energy flows through the meatsack he's been calling home since the engagement as if it's all trying to flee from being tied down. Only the humans are here, there is no reason to feel so...humiliated? His demon friends are elsewhere coexisting with humans and partying their heads off. A small part of Bill would rather be at those parties, but the rest of him are the parts now standing by a genius hillbilly trying to keep fleas out of his bandaged beard.

"Well, honk my doodles!" Fiddleford laughs in his shrill country voice, "You really did change, you banana-demon!" Apparently calling Bill a "banana-demon" is a real knee-slapper.

"And oh boy you sure are lucky I did!" Bill quips back, "If you called me a banana just a little while back, well, kid, you'd be lucky if you're just a pile of ash after several HOURS of being set aflame!" That is normally how a talk between Fiddleford and Bill would go. They don't like each other, so they're both free to be nasty to each other. Very rarely would they actually fight, but there were those times where they both had to be separated. Bill faces down the aisle. It isn't the full truth to say the only reason why he's going along with this ceremony is for the reception party. No, that would be rather dumb. After all, he would just skip to the reception if that is the case.

I step into the aisle with my costume on. Its inspiration is Bill's fire. I kept true to its source material, keeping the outfit its light blue, may or may not having gone as far as dying my hair that color just for the day. Bill lets out a whistle, but as the ethics class told him, he keeps his comment in for now. I just giggle in response to the whistle, and then I walk down the aisle. The music I'm walking down the aisle to? The Mind Electric, quite the obvious choice!

I slowly make my way down. Bill is indeed the most handsome I've ever seen him. I can't help myself but grin when I approach him. We stand facing each other. Bill has a strained grin, his joy and his nerves both seeming to emit from him. We meet eyes and I grab his hand, and the music quiets down soon after.

"We're all here to witness the most grafoodoodle event in Gravity Falls history," Fiddleford speaks up, "The very demon who has nearly destroyed the town, Bill Cipher, and this...random person, are to be wed!" When Fiddleford puts it that way, yes, that is quite surreal. One would assume Bill is a loveless being, but as Fiddleford rambles on, I can see it. Bill is full of joy and care. Two things that were alien to him not too long ago. Soon, though, we must give each other our rings. Mine is perfectly tailored and is nothing more than a simple black band, with Bill's being the traditional gold. I look at mine in a delightful surprise.

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