"An army?" Pomegranate politely clasped her hands in front of her lap. Her expression did not change even the tiniest bit, thick eyelashes fluttering.

"Indeed." With the poise of a former military general, Dark Enchantress took a seat in her throne. She crossed her legs, eyes never leaving them. "They were transporting something. Of course.. We cannot allow such vermin to intrude upon our land. If we are discovered... oh dear, that would be tragic."

"What were they moving?" Red Velvet asked, internally wincing at such rude timing. Dark Enchantress, however, did not seem to mind; her face hardly changed at all. In truth, in times like this..

Yes, perhaps it was best that he and Pomegranate were the only people present. They were the only people to wait their turn, to remain respectful and never fail. In their presence, Dark Enchantress would not hide the way she furrowed her eyebrows, the displeasure on her face. At times, they honored a casual goddess.

"That is.. unknown. One of them escaped." She sat up straight and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Licorice and Dark Choco are not the best choices for hunting. They fled with their treasure. If it is something so important they'd leave their colleagues, then perhaps.. It could be of use."

"Could they be back at the center kingdom, already? Will they not come back with reinforcements? If Licorice and Dark Choco are still around, then they'd have a festival." Pomegranate did not sound fearful for the upcoming future. Perhaps that was why she had been chosen alongside him. Red Velvet felt his heart race, a smile curving onto his lips. He tried to smother it.

"They have been injured. They are not getting anywhere. Take our prize, my darlings."


The words were like thin blades of ice. Yes, of course; it was like a rabbit was attempting to outrun a pack of wolves. Of course they had to subdue the escapee. The fingers of his claw flexed once more, longing to crush a ribcage. His attention had absolutely been caught. Like a switch had been flipped in his head, his eyes were locked on prey that died in the back of his mind.

"Leave me," Dark Enchantress commanded. The smile curving on her thin lips told all. "You are dismissed to prepare and depart. Do not disappoint me."

Red Velvet could feel the fangs poking out from his own smile. With a loving bow, he led the way. Finally... He'd craved something such as this. Pomegranate kept up behind him, letting her sleeves fall. She did not have to hide when his eyes were not on her, no.

Dark Enchantress, all alone, rose from her throne. She returned to the stained glass she admired so much, eyes tracing the curves and waves inside of the vivid panes. She ran her fingertips across the edge of the orange shard she was fixated on, light dust caking between the ridges.

Her choice had been unique, but she was well aware. Such strength and magic prowess was necessary to pursue such a potential threat. What set them apart from Dark Choco and Licorice, however, was not only poise and heart-rending loyal vows.

Pomegranate and Red Velvet loved to play with their food.

- x-x -

Red Velvet did not need to command the hounds that endlessly searched the forest. They did not have time to search for fabric. No, not at all; slicing his pinky on the side of his sawblade, he got them accustomed to the scent of blood. He did not so much as flinch at the injury, flicking the beads of blood from his hand as if they were nothing more than an inconvenience.

"Perhaps we should have stopped to find Licorice and Dark Choco?" Pomegranate pondered, but the question was not venomous. "They could provide a description."

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